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Affichage de 10549 - 10560 de 12017
Avis d'intention
Normes sur les dispositifs de protection contre...
1.1 La présente norme énonce les exigences minimales relatives à la construction et au rendement des dispositifs de protection contre les débordements pour une installation dans les réservoirs de stockage de liquides...
Avis d'intention
Connecteurs de fil
1.1 This Standard applies to single-polarity connectors for use with all alloys of copper or aluminum, or copper-clad aluminum conductors, or all three, for providing contacts between current-carrying parts, in accordance...
Avis d'intention
Systèmes et génie logiciel - Exigences pour les...
This clause presents the scope, purpose, organization, and candidate uses of this International Standard. This International Standard supports the interest of software users in consistent, complete, accurate, and usable...
Avis d'intention
Équipement électrique non inflammable destiné...
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to provide minimum requirements for the design, construction, and marking of electrical equipment or parts of such equipment for use in Class I and Class II, Division 2 and Class...
Avis d'intention
Compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) - Partie...
This part of IEC 61000 for EMC immunity requirements applies to electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, as described below. Immunity requirements in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz...
Avis d'intention
Commandes électriques automatiques - Partie 2...
This part of IEC 60730 applies to electrically operated door locks for use in, on or in association with equipment, including equipment for heating, air-conditioning and similar applications. The equipment may use electricity...
Avis d'intention
Norme relative à l'équipement et systèmes de ...
1.1 Les présentes exigences se rapportent à l'équipement et aux systèmes basse tension de treillis de plafond suspendu destinés à être installés et utilisés conformément aux codes suivants : Au Canada : le Code canadien de l...
Avis d'intention
Essais de performance et évaluation des appareils...
This standard establishes methods of testing and rating gas-fired, heat pumps for space-conditioning performance. The procedures apply to factory-made, space-conditioning, unitary heat pumps which utilize gas as the primary...
Avis d'intention
Capteurs solaires
1.1 This Standard specifies a set of technical requirements and test methods for glazed and unglazed liquid heating solar collectors and covers operating performance and marking requirements. 1.2 This Standard applies to...
Avis d'intention
Cellules, tissus et organes destinés à la transplantation...
Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies general requirements related to the safety of human cells, tissues, and organs used for transplantation, and includes quality system requirements. It includes aspects of safety for potential...
Avis d'intention
Béton : Constituants et exécution des travaux...
Scope 1.1 General This Standard provides the requirements for materials and methods of construction for (a) cast-in-place concrete and concrete precast in the field; and (b) residential concrete used in the construction of...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur les membranes de confinement secondaire...
This Standard sets forth minimum requirements for the material properties and performance of liners used for secondary containment under and around the area of tanks that are installed aboveground for the storage of flammable...