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Affichage de 1657 - 1668 de 11279
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Interopérabilité...
This Standard defines the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, consisting of a set of non-proprietary Web services specifications, along with clarifications, refinements, interpretations and amplifications of those specifications which...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Évaluation des...
This part of ISO/IEC 15504 provides guidance on meeting the minimum set of requirements for performing an assessment contained in ISO/IEC 15504-2. It provides an overview of process assessment and interprets the requirements...
Avis d'intention
Technologie de l'information - Mesure du logiciel...
This part of ISO/IEC 14143 defines the fundamental concepts of Functional Size Measurement (FSM). This part of ISO/IEC 14143 does NOT provide detailed rules on how to: - measure Functional Size of software using a particular...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Gestion des actifs...
1.1 Purpose This part of ISO/IEC 19770 establishes a baseline for an integrated set of processes for Software Asset Management (SAM), divided into tiers to allow for incremental implementation, assessment and recognition.
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Identificateurs...
This part of ISO/IEC 15459 specifies a unique, non-significant string of characters for the identification of transport units. The character string is intended to be represented in a bar code label or other AIDC media...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Identificateurs...
This part of ISO/IEC 15459 specifies the common rules that apply for unique identifiers for item management that are required to ensure full compatibility across classes of unique identifiers
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Identificateurs...
This part of ISO/IEC 15459 specifies the common rules that apply for unique identifiers for item management that are required to ensure full compatibility across classes of unique identifiers.
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de base...
ISO/IEC 13249 defines a number of packages of generic data types common to various kinds of data used in multimedia and application areas, to enable that data to be stored and manipulated in an SQL database. The package in...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Techniques de...
ISO/IEC 27034 provides guidance to assist organizations in integrating security into the processes used for managing their applications. This part of ISO/IEC 27034 presents an overview of application security. It introduces...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Contenu multimédia...
This Technical Report specifies the actual schema in XSD form for each of the ISO/IEC 15938-9 standard description profiles, namely the Simple Metadata Profile (SMP), User Description Profile (UDP), and the Core Description...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information -- Interface de...
1. Scope of this International Standard This International Standard specifies a metadata system for describing multimedia content. It specifies the Description Definition Language (DDL) that comprises part 2 of the standard...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Techniques d'...
This International Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for physical and related attributes of a bar code master. It covers all forms of bar code master, irrespective of the mode of origination of the initial...