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Affichage de 9229 - 9240 de 12027
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Techniques de...
This part of ISO/IEC 11770 defines key management mechanisms based on asymmetric cryptographic techniques. It specifically addresses the use of asymmetric techniques to achieve the following goals. a) Establish a shared...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur les avertisseurs de fumée
Les présentes exigences se rapportent aux avertisseurs de fumée électriques dans une configuration à poste simple ou à postes multiples destinés à assurer la protection des aires ouvertes dans les emplacements intérieurs...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Compression échelonnable...
1 Scope This document specifies the framework, concepts, methodology for testing, and criteria to be achieved to claim conformance to one or multiple parts of ISO/IEC 18477 as listed below. It provides a framework for...
Avis d'intention
Maisons mobiles de parc
Z241.0-03 - Definitions and General Safety Requirements for Park Model Trailers 1. Scope This Standard provides the definition of the term "park model trailer" as used in the CSA Z241 Series. It also gives general safety...
Avis d'intention
Systèmes de stockage et de distribution de carburant...
NOTE: Due to an oversight by the responsible SDO, the Notice of Intent (NOI) for CSA/ANSI NGV 6.1 was not registered as required. The NSC has since been published in March 2018. In order to respect the approved parameters of...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs de commande électrique automatiques...
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows: 1.1 Replacement: This part of IEC 60730 applies to the partial evaluation of thermal motor protectors as defined in IEC 60730-1 for household and similar use, including...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications...
This International Standard specifies signalling interworking between QSIG and the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in support of basic services within a corporate telecommunication network (CN) (also known as enterprise...
Avis d'intention
Appareils à gaz décoratifs à ventilation
1.1 This Standard applies to newly produced vented decorative gas appliances (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as appliances, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials and having input ratings...
Avis d'intention
Poêles à gaz
1.1 This Standard applies to newly produced vented gas fireplace heaters (see Clause 3, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as appliance(s), constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, and having input ratings...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité...
This clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following. This International Standard deals with the safety of electric HEAT PUMPS, including SANITARY HOT WATER HEAT PUMPS, AIR-CONDITIONERS, and DEHUMIDIFIERS incorporating motor...
Avis d'intention
Boîtes extérieures de niveau scolaire
Remarque : Le type de norme, le sous-type de norme, le code ICS, le champ d'application et le raison d'être du projet pour cet avis d'intention (initialement publié le 5 janvier 2017) ont été mis à jour par l'OEN responsable...
Avis d'intention
Plates-formes de travail se déplaçant le long...
1.1 General This Standard applies to mast-climbing work platforms (MCWPs) that are primarily used to provide a working surface for personnel, along with their necessary tools and materials, at elevated work locations. An MCWP...