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Affichage de 3709 - 3720 de 11245
Avis d'intention
Coupleurs haute tension
1.1 This Standard applies to locking-type, pin and sleeve type plugs, receptacles, power inlets, and connectors and associated integrated accessories (i.e., junction box), rated up to 1,200 amperes (for single-and multi-pole)...
Avis d'intention
Transformateurs basse tension - Partie 1: Exigences...
.1 These requirements cover the following types of transformers: a) Air-cooled transformers and reactors for general use; b) General purpose autotransformers; c) Ferroresonant transformers; d) Class 2 and Class 3 transformers...
Avis d'intention
Installation des fenêtres, des portes et des ...
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard sets forth methods for both new installation and replacement installation of factoryassembled windows, exterior doors, and unit skylights that are intended for installation in low-rise buildings and...
Avis d'intention
Appareils ménagers de cuisson et de chauffage...
1.1 This Standard applies to cord-connected and permanently connected cooking and liquid-heating appliances rated for use on nominal single-phase system voltages of 240 V and less and designed to be used in nonhazardous...
Avis d'intention
Performances photométriques des luminaires de...
1.1 This Standard specifies photometric performance requirements for luminaires that are used for roadway and street lighting applications. 1.2 The following light sources are addressed in this Standard: a) clear HPS lamp; b)...
Avis d'intention
Installation des fenêtres, des portes et des ...
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard sets forth methods for both new installation and replacement installation of factoryassembled windows, exterior doors, and unit skylights that are intended for installation in low-rise buildings and...
Avis d'intention
Conception accessible pour les appareils interactifs...
1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to specify minimum accessibility and usability requirements for self-service interactive devices intended for public use. Notes: (1) While the purpose of this Standard is to make a...
Avis d'intention
Exigences relatives aux ensembles de dispositifs...
1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements for trace heaters, surface heaters, and heating device sets for use on system voltages not exceeding 750 V that are intended to be installed in accordance with the Canadian...
Avis d'intention
Ingénierie des logiciels et des systèmes — Modèle...
This International Standard is the entry point of the whole suite of International Standards for software and systems product line engineering and management. The scope of this International Standard is to provide the terms...
Avis d'intention
Produits de matériel de câblage d'appareils
1.1 This Standard applies to single- or multiple-conductor, round, flat, or coiled appliance wiring material products classified as follows: a) Class I — internal wiring of equipment (single- or multiple-conductor...
Avis d'intention
Norme de rendement des climatiseurs et des thermopompes...
1.1 General 1.1.1 This Standard applies to unitary air conditioners and heat pumps that are a) factory-made; b) air-source and/or air-sink; c) split-system matching assemblies (including mini-split and multi-split) or single...
Avis d'intention
Coupleurs Haute Tension
1.1 This Standard applies to locking-type, pin and sleeve type plugs, receptacles, power inlets, and connectors and associated integrated accessories (i.e., junction box), rated up to 1,200 amperes (for single-and multi-pole)...