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Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification - gérées par la CPI dispositifs...
This document specifies the test methods used for conformity testing, to determine whether an ICC with at least one ICC-managed device is considered to conform with the specifications of ISO/IEC 18328-3, e.g. device...
Avis d'intention
Langages de programmation — C++
1 This document specifies requirements for implementations of the C++ programming language. The first such requirement is that they implement the language, so this document also defines C++. Other requirements and relaxations...
Avis d'intention
Niveaux de tension pour les systèmes AC, jusqu...
This Standard establishes steady-state voltage operating range for the point of connection standards for AC Systems in Canada
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification — Cartes à circuit intégré...
This document specifies security-related interindustry commands to be used for personal verification through biometric methods in integrated circuit cards. It also defines the data structure and data access methods for use of...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d'identification — Cartes à circuit intégré...
This document specifies interindustry commands for card, file and other structure management, i.e. data object and security object. These commands cover the entire life cycle of the card and therefore some commands are used...
Avis d'intention
Télécommunications et échange entre systèmes ...
1.1 Scope This standard specifies Bridges that interconnect individual LANs, each supporting the IEEE 802 MAC Service using a different or identical media access control method, to provide Bridged Networks and VLANs.
Avis d'intention
Internet des objets (IOT) - Système de réseau...
This document specifies: intelligent wireless sensor network (iWSN) from the perspectives of iWSN's system infrastructure and communications internal and external to the infrastructure, and technical requirements for iWSN to...
Avis d'intention
Internet des objets (IoT) - Informatique en périphérie
This document describes the common concepts, terminologies, characteristics, use cases and technologies (including data management, coordination, processing, network functionality, heterogeneous computing, security, hardware...
Avis d'intention
Évaluation des performances des climatiseurs ...
Remarque : Cet avis d'intention a été retiré par l'OEN responsable le 28 juin 2022. Cette norme s'applique aux climatiseurs de salle informatique et de traitement de données (CDPR) montés au sol qui ont trois types...
Avis d'intention
Cartes d´identification - Cartes à circuit intégré...
This document specifies interindustry commands which can be used for security operations. This document also provides informative directives on how to construct security mechanisms with commands defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4. The...
Avis d'intention
Techniques de sécurité IT - Authentification ...
This document specifies entity authentication mechanisms using authenticated encryption algorithms. Four of the mechanisms provide entity authentication between two entities where no trusted third party is involved; two of...
Avis d'intention
Techniques de sécurité IT - Signatures numériques...
This document specifies digital signature mechanisms with appendix whose security is based on the discrete logarithm problem. This document provides — a general description of a digital signature with appendix mechanism, and...