1.1 This Standard covers the design, manufacture, implementation and support of Signal Receiving
Centre Automation Software programs intended to be used in fire signal receiving centres, signal receiving
centre burglar alarm systems, proprietary signal receiving centres, and satellite receiving centres for the
reception, processing, dispatch, responses and record keeping of property protection and life safety
signals. Signal Receiving Centre Automation Systems (SRCAS) record the processing of property
protection and life safety signals. SRCAS are a combination of computerized automation software and
subsystems, including Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) communications under
control of the signal receiving centre.
1.2 The requirements of this Standard do not apply to computer hardware units, signal receiving
equipment and accessories and subsystems that are evaluated under separate equipment standards.
1.3 These requirements do not cover hardware units such as workstations, servers, network
components, routers, and power supplies that are evaluated under separate equipment standards.
1.4 The requirements of this Standard do not cover software programs embedded in self-contained units
such as stand-alone signal receivers provided that they are evaluated under separate standards.
1.5 These requirements do not cover the building needed to house the automation system, the staffing
requirements, the power system (s), wiring expectations, spare parts, support policies, and any other
requirement that falls outside the specifics of this automation standard. This information can be found
within the latest editions of CAN/ULC-S301, Signal Receiving Centre Configurations and Operations and
CAN/ULC-S561, Standard for Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems.
1.6 Software Components shall be evaluated to conform to operational requirements of CAN/ULC-S301,
Signal Receiving Centre Configurations and Operations and CAN/ULC-S561, Standard for Installation and
Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard: