CAN/HSO 42002:2019

Diagnostic Imaging Services
1.1 Purpose The HSO 42002:2019 – Diagnostic Imaging Services Standard provides guidance to deliver quality and safe diagnostic imaging services. The standard promotes an integrated approach to diagnostic imaging where diagnostic imaging providers work with referring medical professionals not only to provide the services but to improve them. The standard addresses the structures and processes required at the service delivery level to provide quality and safe care, including: • Meeting the Needs of Patients and Referring Medical Professionals • Having the Right People • Providing a Safe Environment • Selecting, Operating and Maintaining Diagnostic Imaging Equipment • Using Diagnostic Imaging Services Safely • Keeping Records Accurate, Up to Date, and Secure • Monitoring the Safety and Quality of Diagnostic Imaging Services 1.2 Applicability The diagnostic imaging modalities addressed in this standard include echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography, radiography, computed tomography, mammography, bone mineral densitometry, fluoroscopy, angiography, and sonography. Radiotherapy is covered by HSO 34005:2018 – Cancer Care. HSO 42002:2019 – Diagnostic Imaging Services Standard applies to organizations that provide diagnostic imaging services in a hospital setting. This standard applies to all diagnostic imaging that occurs in the organization and is not limited to diagnostic imaging services provided in the radiology department. Criteria for standalone diagnostic imaging clinics can be found in HSO 42003:2018 – Medical Imaging Centres Standard. This standard provides the organization, managers, supervisors, referring medical professionals, administrative staff, and diagnostic imaging providers with guidance to address quality and safety in relation to diagnostic imaging services.
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CAN/HSO 42002:2019