BNQ 9922-200/2017

Drinking Water and Domestic Wastewater Treatment Technologies — Performance Validation — Administrative Procedure
This document describes the steps to be followed by applicants to obtain validation of their performance testing by the CTTEP or CTTEU leading to the publication by the MDDELCC of a technology fact sheet for their drinking water treatment or domestic wastewater treatment technology. This procedure describes the administrative steps associated with the performance validation process requested by the government for water treatment technologies. The technology fact sheets published by the MDDELCC do not constitute certification or any other form of accreditation. Technology fact sheets show the results of the characterization carried out during technology performance testing. Neither the committees, the BNQ nor the two government ministries concerned may be held responsible for any adverse performance of a water treatment facility designed on the basis of the information contained on a technology fact sheet. This document applies to drinking water treatment technologies that meet the following criterion: — technology or its implementation is not described in the reference documents available on the MDDELCC website. This document applies to domestic wastewater treatment technologies that meet the following criteria: — technology or its implementation is not described in the reference documents available on the MDDELCC website; — technology or its implementation treats commercial (restaurants, etc.), institutional or community wastewater. This document does not apply to technologies used to treat residential wastewater other than domestic nor those used to treat wastewater that does not come from a municipal sewer, in particular technologies used to treat industrial, agricultural and agri-food wastewater.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
13.060.20; 13.060.30
Annulée (document dinformation)
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
BNQ 9922-200/2017