CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC TR 23272:13 (R2017)
1 Scope
This Technical Report is intended as an aid for understanding the libraries specified in ISO 23271 (ECMA-335),
Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries. That Partition includes a machine-readable specification, in XML, of the types
that comprise the standard libraries. This Technical Report, in companion files, provides the following items, which
help to form a traceable chain from the normative XML specification to a portable, printable representation of its
1. Tool Source Code: A program written in the C# programming language, XML Style-sheet
Language (XSL), and using the facilities of the Microsoft® .NET Framework and Microsoft®
Office to convert the XML into files viewable using Microsoft® Word. This program, initially
provided by Intel Corporation and updated by the CLI editor for this edition, can be modified to
produce other views of the XML.
2. .DOC Files: These are the files produced by running the tool mentioned above on the XML from
Partition IV. The Ecma task group TC49/TG3 used similar files (produced using earlier versions
of this tool run against earlier versions of the XML) as the primary means of reviewing the XML.
3. .PDF Files: These files are produced from the Microsoft® Word files using the Adobe®
Acrobat® program. They are viewable on a wide range of computer systems and printable on a
range of computer output devices. In most cases, they will appear visually identical regardless of
the means used to render them.
Partition IV normatively specifies the format of the XML file. The tool provided here renders all parts of the XML
with exceptions for some XML nodes, as described below. For the purpose of description, XML nodes referred to
here are specified in XPath notation relative to Type nodes.
• Name (this is redundant and unnecessary since the FullName of the type is rendered)
• FullNameSP (this is redundant and unnecessary since the FullName of the type is rendered)
• AssemblyInfo/AssemblyCulture (this is reserved for future use; currently its value is “none”)
• AssemblyInfo/Attributes/Attribute/Excluded (if its value is 0, it is not rendered, but if it is 1, the library that
is necessary for inclusion is listed)
• TypeExcluded (as above)
• Interfaces/Interface/Excluded (as above)
• Attributes/Attribute/Excluded (as above)
• Attributes/Attribute/ExcludedTypeName (the short Name is rendered, however)
• Members/Member/ReturnValue/ReturnType (the FullName of the type of the return value is not specified,
but it is implied via the member’s signature)
• Members/Member/Parameters/Parameter/Type (the FullName of the type of the parameter is not specified,
but it is implied via the member’s signature)
• The "value_" field for enums.
• Member/Member/Docs/altcompliant (used on methods/properties that have a CLSCompliant(false) attribute
tag, and specifies a CLS-compliant method/property that can be use as an alternative. The
remarks/description section usually specifies this anyway).
• Member/Member/Docs/altmember (used on methods/properties that have equivalent alternatives that may
be used. For example, the System.String op_equality operator has the altmember element and specifies the
String.Equals() method as an equivalent alternative. The remarks/description section usually specifies this
Code(s) de l'ICS:
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CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC TR 23272:13 (R2017)