CAN/ULC-S135-92 (R1998)
1.1 This test method determines the degree of combustibility of building
materials by measuring the heat release rate from specimens exposed to
radiant heat using the test apparatus, specimen configurations and procedures
1.2 This test method determines the amount of heat that may be contributed to
a fire involving products made from the same material as that of the test
1.3 This test method provides for radiant thermal exposure of a specimen. An
external source of ignition is provided by an electric spark.
1.4 This test method is based on the observation that generally, the net heat
of combustion of a material is directly related to the quantity of oxygen
required for its combustion. *This relationship is such that approximately
13.1 x 10³ kJ of heat are released per 1.0 kg of oxygen consumed.
1.5 Heat release is measured from the moment the specimen is subjected to the
radiant thermal exposure of a conical heater and is continued for 15 min.
1.6 The primary measurements are oxygen concentration and exhaust flow rate.
Provision is also made for measurement of mass-loss rate and time to sustained
1.7 This test method is used to evaluate specimens in a horizontal orientation
under an external heating flux exposure of 50 kW/m². The specimen, once
ignited, is also heated by its own flame.
The test apparatus has provision for testing specimens in a vertical
orientation. Discussion on such testing may be found in Appendix B.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
CAN/ULC-S135-92 (R1998)