This document specifies the data structure and content of an interface that permits communication between position-providing device(s) and position-using device(s) enabling the position-using device(s) to obtain and unambiguously interpret position information and determine, based on a measure of the degree of reliability, whether the resulting position information meets the requirements of the…
Additive manufacturing — Qualification principles — Test methods for metal casting sand moulds
This document defines test methods for sand molds for metal casting produced by means of additive manufacturing technologies. The test methods include the determination of mechanical and physical properties such as, but not limited to, tensile strength, transverse strength, gas permeability, and also others.
Railway applications — Fire protection on railway vehicles — Part 1: General
This part covers:
- principal definitions;
- operation categories;
- design categories;
- fire safety objectives;
- general requirements for fire protection measures and their evaluation of conformity.
Fixations — Goupilles cannelées — Cannelures centrales sur le tiers de la longueur
La présente Norme internationale prescrit les caractéristiques des goupilles cannelées en acier ou en acier inoxydable austénitique, à trois cannelures centrales constantes sur le tiers de leur longueur, non débouchantes et régulièrement espacées, de diamètre nominal, d1, de 1,5 mm à 25 mm inclus. Le matériau refoulé de chaque côté des cannelures forme un renflement dont le diamètre d2, supérieur…
Fixations — Goupilles cannelées — Cannelures centrales sur la moitié de la longueur
La présente Norme internationale prescrit les caractéristiques des goupilles cannelées en acier ou en acier inoxydable austénitique, à trois cannelures centrales constantes sur la moitié de leur longueur, non débouchantes et régulièrement espacées, de diamètre nominal, d1, de 1,5 mm à 25 mm inclus. Le matériau refoulé de chaque côté des cannelures forme un renflement dont le diamètre d2,…
Microbeam analysis — Focused ion beam application for TEM specimen preparation — Vocabulary
Numbers of FIB applications will soon be available with developments and advancements of FIB instruments including, in-line automatic operation, multiple sample preparation, in-situ lift-out, new ion sources and cryogenic, which are still in their infancy. The manufacturers/vendors pertaining to this field have technical characteristics to offer their unique features in terms of instrument…