Optics and photonics — Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems — Part 6: Centring a...
This document specifies the rules for indicating centring and tilt tolerance for optical elements, subassemblies, and assemblies in the ISO 10110 series, which standardizes drawing indications for optical elements and systems.
This document applies to plano surfaces, rotationally invariant (spherical and aspherical) surfaces, circular and non-circular cylindrical (cylindrical and acylindrical)…
Road vehicles — Vehicle to grid communication interface — Part 10: Physical layer and data link laye...
This document specifies the requirements of the physical and data link layer of a wired ethernet High Level Communication (HLC) between Electric Vehicles (EV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The wired ethernet communication technology is used as an alternative to the wired PLC communication technology as defined in ISO 15118-3.
It covers the overall information exchange between…
Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Sensitivity and range setting
ISO 16811:2012 specifies the general rules for setting the timebase range and sensitivity (i.e. gain adjustment) of a manually operated ultrasonic flaw detector with A-scan display in order that reproducible measurements may be made of the location and echo height of a reflector.
ISO 16811:2012 is applicable to techniques employing a single contact probe with either a single or twin transducers,…
Investment castings (steel, nickel alloys and cobalt alloys) — General technical requirements
ISO 16468:2015 specifies technical requirements for castings (steel, nickel alloys, and cobalt alloys) produced by the investment-casting process. The International Standards specifying metallurgical material requirements for steel, nickel alloy, and cobalt alloy casting grades are listed in the Bibliography.
The requirements stated in ISO 16468:2015 form an integral part of the material…
ISO 8913:2006 specifies requirements for lightweight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies for use in aircraft hydraulic systems at temperatures between - 55 °C and 204 °C (- 65 °F and 400 °F), and at a nominal pressure up to 3 000 psi (20 684 kPa) or 21 000 kPa (3 046 psi). The hose assemblies are also suitable for use within the same temperature and pressure limitations in aircraft…
Additive Manufacturing of metals — Test artefacts — Compression validation coupons for lattice desig...
This document defines testing coupons and methods for the evaluation of the compression strength of AM lattice designs. The standardized test coupons will accommodate the application of a variety of lattice designs, while standardizing the evaluation method.
This document is generally intended to be used in validation or verification activities for an additively manufactured component that…