Médecine bucco-dentaire — Exigences générales relatives aux instruments et aux accessoires connexes ...
L'ISO 13504:2012 spécifie les exigences générales pour la fabrication d'instruments et accessoires connexes pour la pose des implants dentaires et pour les manipulations ultérieures des éléments de raccordement dans la région cranio-faciale.
L'ISO 13504:2012 s'applique aux instruments à usage unique et aux instruments réutilisables, qu'ils soient à commande manuelle ou…
Ceramic tiles — Part 24: Tensile adhesion strength of fibre-combined multilayer ceramic tile and til...
The proposal aims at defining a method for the determination of the tensile adhesion strength of multilayer tiles, in particular the adhesion between the back of the multilayer and the cementitious adhesive used for installation.
Small craft — Hull construction and scantlings — Part 9: Sailing craft appendages
ISO 12215-9:2011 defines the loads and specifies the scantlings of sailing craft appendages on monohull sailing craft with a length of hull of up to 24 m, measured according to ISO 8666. It gives design stresses, the structural components to be assessed, load cases and design loads for keel, centreboard and their attachments, computational methods and modelling guidance, and the means for…
Courroies transporteuses — Méthode de détermination de la résistance à la propagation d'une déc...
L'ISO 505 :2017 spécifie une méthode d'essai pour le mesurage de la résistance à la propagation d'une déchirure préalablement amorcée des courroies transporteuses à carcasse textile, soit en pleine épaisseur soit dans la carcasse seule.
Cet essai est destiné à être appliqué aux courroies textiles utilisées dans les installations pour lesquelles il existe un risque de déchirement…
This document provides the requirements of contact angle measurement of metallic hydrophobic thin film coatings deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) method, including thermal evaporation, sputtering, and ion plating.
This document does not apply to non-metallic coatings, paints or varnishes.
Performance rating of positive displacement refrigerant compressor
This proposed document specifies the terms and definitions, classification basic parameters, technical requirements, marking, packaging and storage of positive displacement refrigerant compressor. The document is applicable to positive displacement refrigerant compressors for air-conditioning, heat pump, refrigerant purposes.
Health informatics — Categorial structures for representation of acupuncture — Part 2: Needling
The purpose of ISO/TS 16843-2:2015 is to specify categorial structures within the subject field of acupuncture by defining a set of domain constraints for use within terminological resources.
This Technical Specification describes a concept system detailing domain constraints of sanctioned characteristics, each composed of a semantic link and an applicable characterizing category.
The potential…