Measurement of radioactivity — Gamma emitting radionuclides — Rapid screening method using scintilla...
ISO 19581 specifies a screening test method to quantify rapidly the activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides, such as 131I, 132Te, 134Cs and 137Cs, in solid or liquid test samples using gamma-ray spectrometry with lower resolution scintillation detectors as compared with the HPGe detectors (see IEC 61563).
This test method can be used for the measurement of any potentially…
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Prognostics — Part 1: General guidelines
ISO 13381-1:2015 provides guidance for the development and application of prognosis processes. It is intended to
- allow developers, providers, users and manufacturers to share common concepts of prognostics,
- enable users to determine the data, characteristics, processes and behaviours necessary for accurate prognosis,
- outline appropriate approaches and processes to prognostics development,…
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Specifications f...
This document describes a classification of non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives for the preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products.
It specifies the characteristics which are required for the complete designation of such abrasives.
This document applies to abrasives supplied in the "new" or unused condition only. It does not apply to abrasives…
Space systems — Liquid rocket engines and test stands — Terms and definitions
ISO 17540:2016 provides terms and definitions in scope of design, testing, reliability analysis and quality control of liquid rocket engines. The terms are required for use in all types of documentation and literature including in the scope of standardization or using the results of this activity.
L'objectif de l'ISO 10318-1:2015 est de définir les termes relatifs aux fonctions, aux produits et aux propriétés, ainsi que d'autres termes utilisés dans les normes EN et ISO géosynthétiques. Les définitions de termes non incluses dans l'ISO 10318-1:2015, peuvent être trouvées dans les Normes internationales qui décrivent les méthodes d'essai correspondantes.
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