1.1 This Standard sets forth requirements for smoke-alarms, single- and
multiple-station type, rated 120 V or less, intended for open area protection
in ordinary indoor locations.
1.2 A smoke-alarm, as defined by these requirements, is a self-contained unit
which consists of an assembly of electrical components including a smoke
chamber, alarm-sounding appliance, and…
This Standard covers graphical symbols which are to be used in
microfilming to convey information concerning the condition of the original
document, arrangement and production criteria.
Gives construction and performance requirements for hotel and
restaurant deep fat fryers for use with natural gas, manufactured
gas, mixed gas, liquefied petroleum gases and LP gas-air
mixtures. The standard also covers approval of all electrical
equipment, wiring and accessories.
Gas-Fired Kettles, Steam Cookers and Steam Generators
Gives construction and performance requirements for kettles,
steam cookers and steam generators for use with natural gas,
manufactured gas, mixed gas, liquefied petroleum gases and Lp
gas-air mixtures. The standard also covers approval of all
electrical, wiring and accessories.
Textile Text Methods Textile Fabrics - Measurement of Width of Pieces
This method specifies two procedures for determining the width of
pieces (of any length) of fabrics that are in the state of
relaxation obtained by exposure (free from applied tension) to
the Standard Atmosphere.
Burned Clay Brick (Solid Masonry Units made from Clay or Shale)
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers burned clay brick intended for use in masonry or in structural facing components of structures, or both.
1.2 The brick are prismatic units available in a variety of sizes, textures, colours, and shapes. This Standard is not intended to provide requirements for paving brick specified in ASTM Standard C902.
1.3 Brick are manufactured from clay,…
Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the protection from lightning of buildings such as residences, places of public assembly, and buildings of a general industrial nature, including structures with explosive or highly flammable contents. It does not cover th e protection of electrical transmission and distribution systems, and communications systems.
1.2 This Standard also contains a…
Tolerances for building — Part 3: Procedures for selecting target size and predicting fit
Provides a basis for relating joint clearances and target sizes and for the prediction of fit within the context of dimensional coordination, including modular coordination. Is intended for use by component manufacturers when determining target sizes for standard components and by building designers when determining target sizes for construction on site, assessing the applicability of standard…