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Affichage de 3469 - 3480 de 11245
Avis d'intention
Câbles d'alimentation des mines
1.1 This Standard specifies construction and testing requirements for unarmoured mine power feeder cables normally used for power distribution in stationary or semi-stationary applications covered by CSA M421 and the Canadian...
Avis d'intention
Bars Systèmes de traitement de l'eau
Scope 1.1 This Standard covers drinking water treatment systems that are (a) point-of-use or point-of-entry plumbed systems; and (b) point-of-use non-plumbed systems. Note: Drinking water treatment systems covered by this...
Avis d'intention
Atmosphères explosives - Partie 2 : Protection...
This part of IEC 60079 contains the specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus with pressurized enclosures, of type of protection "p", intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres. It...
Avis d'intention
Détermination de la capacité du tambour et de...
1.1 This Standard specifies the methods to be used for measuring the energy consumption and drum volume of household electric tumble-type clothes dryers and for evaluating their energy performance. This Standard also...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs à cordon autorétractable
Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements for all self-retracting devices (SRDs) used as connecting components in fall protection systems. SRDs are further classified in this Standard according to method of use. 1.2...
Avis d'intention
Brûleurs à huile du type de pulvérisation
1.1 This Standard applies to oil burners of the atomizing type, irrespective of size, firing rate, or grade of fuel oil, that are designed primarily for installation in warm-air, hot-water, and steam-heating equipment.As...
Avis d'intention
accessoires de plomberie en plastique
1.1 This Standard covers plastic plumbing fixtures and specifies requirements for materials, construction, performance, testing, and markings. 1.2 This Standard covers the following plumbing fixtures: (a) bathtubs and...
Avis d'intention
Poteaux et poteaux renforts en bois pour les ...
1.1 This Standard covers material, manufacturing, and class dimensional requirements for seasoned wood poles and reinforcing stubs that are primarily intended for the support of electrical power or communication lines. 1.2...
Avis d'intention
Generateurs d'air chaud alimentes au mazout
1.1 This Standard applies to complete, vent- (flue-) connected, oil-fired warm air appliances, irrespective of the heating capacity or the type of burner used. 1.2 This Standard applies to appliances (a) intended for...
Avis d'intention
Transformateurs au néon et alimentations
1.1 This Standard applies to transformers and power supplies, including those intended to be connected to a Class 2 source of supply, that provide the voltage and ballasting for neon and cold-cathode tubing (electric...
Avis d'intention
Rendement énergétique des climatiseurs individuels
1.1 This Standard specifies the energy performance test method for room air conditioners and specifies minimum efficiency levels. 1.2 This Standard covers room air conditioners powered by a single-phase electric current and...
Avis d'intention
Rendement des pompes de piscines
1.1 The purpose of this Standard is to specify pool pump performance measurements that will facilitate the selection of the most efficient models for performing the combined functions of filtration and pool cleaning. 1.2 This...