ISO/DIS 30201

Human resources management systems — Requirements
This document specifies requirements for a HR management system when an organization needs to: — create stakeholder value through effective application of the HR management system, including the attraction, development and deployment of workers, continual improvement and integration of the system into the organization’s overall management system; — demonstrate its ability to consistently manage its workers in a way that contributes to meeting stakeholder needs, including the achievement of organizational objectives and consideration of the needs of workers and employers. This document is applicable to organizations of all sizes, growth phases and sectors, whether public or private, for profit or not for profit. This document does not determine the organization’s strategies and objectives. This document does not serve to replace or make superfluous the instruments of agreed collective co-determination, most prominently that of collective bargaining, as established and protected by law in many jurisdictions and practised in good tradition by social partners, such as employers and workers´ unions and their respective associations.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
03.100.30; 03.100.70
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
ISO/DIS 30201