ISO 16362:2005
ISO 16362:2005 specifies sampling, cleanup and analysis procedures for the quantitative determination of low volatility (particle-bound) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air. For sampling, a low-volume or a medium/high-volume sampling device may be used. Sampling times between 1 h and 24 h are possible. The sampling volume flow rates can range from 1 m/h to 4 m/h ("low volume sampler") or from 10 m/h to about 90 m/h ("medium/high-volume sampler"). In any case, the linear face velocity at the collection filter should range between about 0,5 m/s and 0,9 m/s.
The method has been validated for sampling periods up to 24 h. The detection limits for single PAHs and the standard deviations resulting from duplicate measurements are listed.
ISo 16362:2005 describes a sampling and analysis procedure for PAH that involves collection from air onto a filter followed by analysis using high performance liquid chromatography usually with fluorescence detector (FLD). The use of a diode array detector (DAD) is possible. The combination of both detector types is also possible. Total suspended particulate matter is sampled.
Generally, compounds having a boiling point above 430 °C (vapour pressure less than 10-9 kPa at 25 °C, e.g. chrysene, benz[a]anthracene) can be collected efficiently on the filter at low ambient temperatures (e.g. below 10 °C). In contrast, at higher temperatures (above 30 °C, see also ISO 12884[1]), only PAHs having boiling points above 475 °C (vapour pressure less than 10-10 kPa at 25 °C) are determined quantitatively.
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ISO 16362:2005