CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61508-1:17

Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safetyrelated systems — Part 1: General requirements
1.1 This International Standard covers those aspects to be considered when electrical/electronic/programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems are used to carry out safety functions. A major objective of this standard is to facilitate the development of product and application sector international standards by the technical committees responsible for the product or application sector. This will allow all the relevant factors, associated with the product or application, to be fully taken into account and thereby meet the specific needs of users of the product and the application sector. A second objective of this standard is to enable the development of E/E/PE safety-related systems where product or application sector international standards do not exist. 1.2 In particular, this standard a) applies to safety-related systems when one or more of such systems incorporates electrical/electronic/programmable electronic elements; NOTE 1 In the context of low complexity E/E/PE safety-related systems, certain requirements specified in this standard may be unnecessary, and exemption from compliance with such requirements is possible (see 4.2, and the definition of a low complexity E/E/PE safety-related system in 3.4.3 of IEC 61508-4). NOTE 2 Although a person can form part of a safety-related system (see 3.4.1 of IEC 61508-4), human factor requirements related to the design of E/E/PE safety-related systems are not considered in detail in this standard. b) is generically-based and applicable to all E/E/PE safety-related systems irrespective of the application; c) covers the achievement of a tolerable risk through the application of E/E/PE safety-related systems, but does not cover hazards arising from the E/E/PE equipment itself (for example electric shock); d) applies to all types of E/E/PE safety-related systems, including protection systems and control systems; e) does not cover E/E/PE systems where – a single E/E/PE system is capable on its own of meeting the tolerable risk, and – the required safety integrity of the safety functions of the single E/E/PE system is less than that specified for safety integrity level 1 (the lowest safety integrity level in this standard). f) is mainly concerned with the E/E/PE safety-related systems whose failure could have an impact on the safety of persons and/or the environment; however, it is recognized that the consequences of failure could also have serious economic implications and in such cases this standard could be used to specify any E/E/PE system used for the protection of equipment or product; NOTE 3 See 3.1.1 of IEC 61508-4. g) considers E/E/PE safety-related systems and other risk reduction measures, in order that the safety requirements specification for the E/E/PE safety-related systems can be determined in a systematic, risk-based manner; h) uses an overall safety lifecycle model as the technical framework for dealing systematically with the activities necessary for ensuring the functional safety of the E/E/PE safety-related systems; NOTE 4 Although the overall safety lifecycle is primarily concerned with E/E/PE safety-related systems, it could also provide a technical framework for considering any safety-related system irrespective of the technology of that system (for example mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic). i) does not specify the safety integrity levels required for sector applications (which must be based on detailed information and knowledge of the sector application). The technical committees responsible for the specific application sectors shall specify, where appropriate, the safety integrity levels in the application sector standards; j) provides general requirements for E/E/PE safety-related systems where no product or application sector international standards exist; k) requires malevolent and unauthorised actions to be considered during hazard and risk analysis. The scope of the analysis includes all relevant safety lifecycle phases; NOTE 5 Other IEC/ISO standards address this subject in depth; see ISO/IEC/TR 19791 and IEC 62443 series. l) does not cover the precautions that may be necessary to prevent unauthorized persons damaging, and/or otherwise adversely affecting, the functional safety of E/E/PE safetyrelated systems (see k) above); m) does not specify the requirements for the development, implementation, maintenance and/or operation of security policies or security services needed to meet a security policy that may be required by the E/E/PE safety-related system; n) does not apply for medical equipment in compliance with the IEC 60601 series. 1.3 This part of the IEC 61508 series of standards includes general requirements that are applicable to all parts. Other parts of the IEC 61508 series concentrate on more specific topics: – parts 2 and 3 provide additional and specific requirements for E/E/PE safety-related systems (for hardware and software); – part 4 gives definitions and abbreviations that are used throughout this standard; – part 5 provides guidelines on the application of part 1 in determining safety integrity levels, by showing example methods; – part 6 provides guidelines on the application of parts 2 and 3; – part 7 contains an overview of techniques and measures. 1.4 IEC 61508-1, IEC 61508-2, IEC 61508-3 and IEC 61508-4 are basic safety publications, although this status does not apply in the context of low complexity E/E/PE safety-related systems (see 3.4.3 of IEC 61508-4). As basic safety publications, they are intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles contained in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51. IEC 61508-1, IEC 61508-2, IEC 61508-3 and IEC 61508-4 are also intended for use as stand-alone publications. The horizontal safety function of this international standard does not apply to medical equipment in compliance with the IEC 60601 series. NOTE One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of basic safety publications in the preparation of its publications. In this context, the requirements, test methods or test conditions of this basic safety publication will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the publications prepared by those technical committees. 1.5 Figure 1 shows the overall framework of the IEC 61508 series and indicates the role that IEC 61508-1 plays in the achievement of functional safety for E/E/PE safety-related systems. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61508-1:17 For SCC
Code(s) de l'ICS:
13.110; 25.040; 29.020
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61508-1:17