CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19763-1:16
This is a part of the ISO/IEC19763 (Metamodel framework for interoperability) (MFI) family of standards.
As the first part of MFI, this part provides an overview of the whole of MFI. In particular, the purpose, the
underlying concepts, the overall architecture and the requirements for the development of other standards
within the MFI family are described.
MFI provides a set of normative metamodels to enable the registration of many different types of model.
Each of these metamodels is expressed as a UML Class Diagram.
MFI is evolving. Currently, in addition to this part, the MFI family comprises:
• A core model and facilities for the basic mapping of models (Part 10)
• A metamodel for ontology registration (Part 3)
• A metamodel for process model registration (Part 5)
• A metamodel for service model registration (Part 7)
• A metamodel for role and goal model registration (Part 8)
• A Technical Report describing on demand model selection based on RGPS (Role, Goal, Process
and Service) (Part 9)
• A metamodel for information model registration (Part 12)
• A metamodel for form design registration (Part 13)
• A metamodel for a registry summary (Part 6)
These parts are described in more detail in Annex A.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19763-1:16