CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19778-3:16
1.1 Statement of scope
This part of ISO/IEC 19778 specifies the Data Model for a collaborative group.
The collaborative group Data Model composes roles which can be played by the participants of a
collaborative group, declares the intended role holders (positions for playing a particular role) for each
role, and (at least during the life-span of the collaborative workplace) assigns participants to these role
holders. The role names may be used as references to roles specified in detail by further specifications
or standards. Where no such specifications or standards are available or identified, the provision
of descriptions for human interpretation may support harmonized use of these names. Provided
participant identifiers may be used as references to detailed participant information which may be
specified in a provided user management system.
NOTE There is a risk of improper access and misuse of personal and private data facilitated by use of the
collaborative group Data Model. It is the responsibility of the implementer to ensure proper use of any involved
personal information.
1.2 Subjects and aspects not currently addressed
In future editions of this part of ISO/IEC 19778, the identification of participant types referring to a
harmonized or standardized participant typology may be provided. Such a provision would upgrade
the value of anonymized collaborative group Data Model instantiations for being reused as templates.
Currently, the collaborative groups specified by this Data Model are static. Participants may not be
online all the time; in a collaborative group, private discussions may occur; participants may leave the
collaborative group during the life-state of the collaborative workplace. It is not yet clear to which degree
such aspects can and should be addressed in future editions of this part of ISO/IEC 19778.
1.3 Excluded subjects and aspects
Subjects and aspects not provided by this part of ISO/IEC 19778, but which it is anticipated will be
provided by further specifications or standards include the following:
— the detailed specification of roles or role typologies in the context of learning, education, and
training (such specification is reserved for further specifications or standards; it may be specific
for particular domains of applications in this field; such specifications are excluded from this part
of ISO/IEC 19778);
— methods for assigning collaborative tools or collaborative functions of a collaborative workplace
to participants in particular roles (such methods mean optimization for mapping capabilities and
requirements of technical means to capabilities and preferences of participants; such methods are
excluded from this part of ISO/IEC 19778);
— the detailed specification of participant information (such specification is reserved for further
specifications or standards and is excluded from this part of ISO/IEC 19778).
Code(s) de l'ICS:
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Numéro Standard:
CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 19778-3:16