CSA Z275.1-16

Hyperbaric facilities
1.1.1 This Standard applies to hyperbaric chambers that have as their primary function the subjection of humans to pressure environments exceeding 1 atmosphere absolute, such as those required in diving operations, work under compressed-air conditions, medical treatment, training, and research. 1.1.2 This Standard establishes minimum requirements for the operation, use, design, construction, maintenance, and testing of all hyperbaric chambers. 1.2 Classification of human occupancy hyperbaric chambers 1.2.1 General This Standard addresses the following classes of human-occupancy chambers: a) chambers used for clinical HBO treatment and/or for research purposes; b) chambers used for occupational diving operations; c) chambers used for tunneling and caisson operations; and d) hyperbaric chamber systems in support of offshore diving operations. 1.2.2 Chambers used for clinical HBO treatment and/or research purposes A clinical HBO chamber is a hyperbaric facility that is overseen by a trained safety director and a Level 2 or Level 3 hyperbaric physician, licensed in the jurisdiction in which they practice medicine, who adheres to the Standard of practice as set out by the Canadian Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Association (CUHMA). Refer to Clause 17 for requirements applicable to research facilities used for human-subject research. 1.2.3 Types of hyperbaric chambers Single-occupancy chamber A single-occupancy or mono-place chamber is a hyperbaric chamber normally intended for the treatment of one person and capable of oxygen or air pressurization to a depth not exceeding 20 msw (66 fsw) for the provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, normally for clinical applications only. Stationary (multiple-occupancy chamber) A stationary chamber is a multiple-occupancy or multi-place hyperbaric chamber permanently installed in a vessel, platform, or shore-based facility and fixed to a permanent foundation, i.e., the vessel, platform, or building in which it is housed.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
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Numéro Standard:
CSA Z275.1-16