CSA 2.6-2009
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to newly produced gas fired duct furnaces, packaged heaters, utility heaters with
inputs up to and including 400,000 Btu/hr (117 228 W), and unit heaters with input rates up to and
including 10,000,000 Btu/hr (2 930 712 W) and constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials:
a. For use with natural gas with inlet gas pressures up to and including 5.0 psi (34.5 kPa); unit heaters,
packaged heaters, and duct furnaces with burners having input rates over 400,000 Btu/hr (117 228
W) may have higher inlet pressures;
b. For use with liquefied petroleum gases; and
c. Convertible for use with natural gas and liquefied petroleum gases, when provision is made for the
conversion from one gas to the other.
The term “appliance,” when used herein, applies to gas-fired duct furnaces, packaged heaters, utility
heaters and unit heaters.
Duct furnaces, unit heaters, and packaged heaters may be factory-built as a single unit or as a package
system intended to be disassembled for shipping and reassembled for installation, and may be combined
with a cooling unit. (See Part IV, Definitions).
1.1.4 The construction of appliances for use with the above-mentioned gases is covered under Part I.
The performance of appliances for use with the above-mentioned gases is covered under Part II.
This Standard applies to Category I, Category II, Category III and Category IV Appliances. (See Part IV,
This standard covers self-contained, automatically controlled, vented unit heaters, packaged heaters,
utility heaters and duct furnaces. These appliances are intended for installation in locations where
flammable gases or vapors are not generally present.
Unit heaters, packaged heaters, and utility heaters shall have an integral means for the circulation of air.
Unit heaters, unless for outdoor installation, are intended for installation in the space being heated. Unit
heaters may be either suspended or floor-mounted and of either the low- or high-static pressure type as
defined in Part IV, Definitions. Utility heaters may be suspended or floor-mounted and of the low-static
type as defined in Part IV, Definitions. Packaged heaters may be either suspended, floor-mounted, or roof
mounted and may be located within or external to the heated space as defined in Part IV, Definitions.
These appliances are suitable for use in aircraft hangars, parking structures and repair garages when
marked and installed, as applicable, in accordance with:
Standard on Aircraft Hangars, ANSI/NFPA 409;
Standard for Parking Structures, ANSI/NFPA 88A;
Standard for Repair Garages, ANSI/NFPA 88B; and
Installation Code for Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1.
This standard also applies to appliances with draft hoods which are factory equipped with automatic vent
damper devices (see Part IV, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as vent damper devices.
A separated combustion system appliance anticipated by this standard is essentially a balanced flue
appliance with the air intake and vent outlet in close proximity. Other designs shall be subjected to such
additional tests as believed necessary at the discretion of the testing agency.
Exhibit G contains a list of standards specifically referenced in this standard, and sources from which these
referenced standards may be obtained.
If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the
first stated value is to be regarded as the specification. (See Appendix F for Temperature Scales and
Special construction provisions applicable to an appliance designed for use with an optional listed gas
conversion kit are outlined under Exhibit C, (Optional) Provisions for Listed Appliance Gas Conversion Kits.
This standard also applies to newly produced automatic intermittent-pilot ignition systems (See Part IV
Definitions), constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, to be adapted in the field to a unit
heater or duct furnace equipped with an existing continuous pilot burner and which has been examined
and tested for compliance with this standard when installed on the appliance. [See Exhibit D, (Optional)
Provisions for Listed Appliance Ignition Conversion Kits].
All references to psi (kPa) throughout this Standard are to be considered "gauge" pressures unless
otherwise specified.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
Date de Publication:
Numéro Standard:
CSA 2.6-2009