ANSI Z21.83-1998

Fuel Cell Power Plants
This is a searchable PDF. 1.1 Scope and References 1.1.1 This standard applies to packaged, self-contained or factory matched packages of integrated systems (see 1.2.1) fuel cell power plants, hereinafter referred to as power plant(s), which, through electrochemical reactions and other processes, generate alternating-current electricity. 1.1.2 This standard applies to power plants when intended for operation on a gaseous hydrocarbon (see 2.1.1) as the fuel and reactant: (a) At an ambient temperature not below minus 20°F(-29°C), (b) At an output voltage not exceeding nominal 600 VAC, and (c) At a power output not exceeding 1,000 kW. 1.1.3 Exhibit A contains coverage for electrical equipment and wiring. 1.1.4 Publications of nationally-recognized standards and codes referenced herein are listed in Exhibit B. When applicable, other nationally-recognized publications may be utilized to supplement those referenced herein. In the absence of applicable publications, the manufacturer may submit other evidence of conformance to the testing agency. Howev er, acceptance of such evidence shall be left at the disrection of the testing agency. 1.1.5 If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated value is to be regarded as the specification. Conversion factors for quantities stated herein are listed in Appendix G. SI Units stated herein are in accordance with the Practice for Use of the International System of Units (SI), ASTM E380. 1.1.6 All references to psi throughout this standard are to be considered gage pressure unless otherwise specified.
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ANSI Z21.83-1998