
Blended Hydraulic Cement
1.1 Scope This Standard sets forth the definition of blended hydraulic cement; its chemical and physical requirements; the tests required; the procedures for inspection and sampling; the units of measurement; the packaging, marking, and storage; the methods for chemical analysis; the methods for physical testing; and the equipment and materials used in performing the required tests. The intent of this Standard is to define the properties of the blended product and does not include the case where the supplementary cementing material is stored, weighed, and batched separately from the cement in the concrete mix at a concrete production facility or at a job site. 1.2 Types The five types of blended hydraulic cement covered in this Standard are identified as follows: English name Type French name Portland blast-furnace 10S Ciment portland au laitier slag cement de haut-fourneau Slag-modified Portland 10SM Ciment portland à faible teneur cement en laitier de haut-fourneau Portland fly ash 10F Ciment portland aux cement cendres volantes Fly ash-modified Portland 10FM Ciment portland à faible cement teneur en cendres volantes Portland silica fume 10SF Ciment portland aux fumées cement de silice NOTES: 1. Blended hydraulic cement may develop lower early compressive strengths than the corresponding Normal Portland cement, Type 10. This effect is more pronounced as the proportion of slag or fly ash is increased. When a Portland silica fume cement, Type 10SF, is used, experience indicates that early strengths are frequently higher that the strength of the Normal Portland cement, Type 10. 2. When a Portland fly ash cement, Type 10F, Fly ash-modified Portland cement, Type 10FM, or Portland silica fume cement, Type 10SF, is to be used with an air entraining admixture in concrete or grout, special precautions should be taken according to Appendix A of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A23.5. 1.3 Requirements For the purpose of this Standard, where reference is made to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A5, the requirements for Portland cement set forth therein shall be deemed to be the applicable requirements for blended hydraulic cement.
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