CAN/CSA-F416-87 (R2004)
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard specifies requirements for the safety of wind energy conversion systems, including design and operation under specified environmental conditions.
1.2 This Standard is concerned with all subsystems of WECS, including protection mechanisms, supporting structures, and foundations.
1.3 This Standard is concerned with the components and materials supplied by the manufacturers, with the adequacy of the assembly, installation, maintenance, and operation instruct ions, and with the safety of the system after assembly when operated in accordance with those instructions.
1.4 This Standard is not concerned with the siting of WECS, the utility requirements for interconnection to the power grid, WECS performance, or the effects of WECS on the environment. For performance and interconnection requirements, reference should be made to CSA Standards F417 and F418.
1.5 Compliance with this Standard does not relieve any person, organization, or corporation from the responsibility of observing applicable local, provincial, and federal regulations.
1.6 This Standard outlines minimum requirements and is not intended for use as a complete design specification or instruction manual.
Code(s) de l'ICS:
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Numéro Standard:
CAN/CSA-F416-87 (R2004)