CAN3-N289.4-M86 (R2008)
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard defines the consideration and requirements for performing an acceptable seismic qualification test and presents the different test methods that may be used.
Note: Selected safety related systems are required to be seismically qualified. (See CSA Standard CAN3-N289.1.) Qualification may be by analysis or testing, or a combination thereof, depending on the nature and complexity of the equipment. CSA Standard CAN3-N289.3 specifies methods of qualification by analysis.
1.2 This Standard is intended to provide a basis for developing specifications for seismic qualification by testing, and to aid equipment purchasers, suppliers, and testing laboratories in selecting the appropriate test methods for performing a seismic qualification test.
1.3 This Standard presents several acceptable methods with the intent of permitting the user to make a judicious selection from among the various options. In making such a selection, the user of this Standard should choose those test methods which best reco gnize the characteristics of a particular piece of equipment. Note: It should be recognized that seismic qualification forms only a portion of the overall equipment qualification program. It is important that the qualification program for a component include consideration of all operational loadings (seismic, environmental, aging, thermal, and mechanical stresses, etc) for which the component must demonstrably meet its performance objectives
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CAN3-N289.4-M86 (R2008)