IEC 62890:2020

Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Life-cycle-management for systems and components
IEC 62890:2020(E) establishes basic principles for Life-Cycle-Management of systems and components used for industrial-process measurement, control and automation. These principles are applicable to various industrial sectors. This standard provides definitions and reference models related to the life-cycle of a product type and the life time of a product instance, It defines a consistent set of generic reference models and terms. The key models defined are:<br /> – Life-Cycle-Model;<br /> – structure model;<br /> – compatibility model.<br /> This document also describes the application of these models for Life-Cycle-Management strategies. The content is used for technical aspects concerning the design, planning, development and maintenance of automation systems and components and the operation of the plant.<br /> The definitions of generic models and terms regarding Life-Cycle-Management are indispensable for a common understanding and application by all partners in the value chain such as plant user, product and system producer, service provider, and component supplier.<br /> The models and strategies described in this standard are also applicable for related management systems, i.e. MES and ERP
Code(s) de l'ICS:
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IEC 62890:2020