Water quality — Sampling — Part 27: Guidance on sampling for microplastics in water
This document specifies the basic methods for sampling suspended microplastics in water (domestic water, freshwater, seawater, treated wastewater and untreated wastewater), for their subsequent characterization. Suspended particles can also include synthetic or semi-synthetic polymeric materials (such as rubber). This document does not cover chemical analysis, biological (ecotoxicological)…
Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosion in artificial atmosphere — Accelerated corrosion test inv...
ISO 16071:2015 specifies the test method, the reagents, and the procedure to be used in an accelerated atmospheric corrosion test constituting a 6 h exposure to a slightly acidified solution of 1 % NaCl twice weekly, followed by a condition of controlled humidity cycling between 95 % RH and 50 % RH at a constant temperature of 35 °C.
It does not specify the dimensions of the tests specimens, the…
Protective clothing — Clothing to protect against heat and flame — Minimum performance requirements
ISO 11612:2015 specifies performance requirements for protective clothing made from flexible materials, which are designed to protect the wearer's body, except the hands, from heat and/or flame. For protection of the wearer's head and feet, the only items of protective clothing falling within the scope of ISO 11612:2015 are gaiters, hoods, and overboots. However, concerning hoods,…
Protective clothing — Protection against flame — Limited flame spread materials, material assemblies...
ISO 14116:2015 specifies the performance requirements for the limited flame spread properties of all materials, all material assemblies, and protective clothing in order to reduce the possibility of the clothing burning when in occasional and brief contact with small flames and thereby constituting a hazard. Additional requirements for clothing are also specified, including design requirements,…
Matériaux métalliques — Essai de dureté Brinell — Partie 3: Étalonnage des blocs de référence
L'ISO 6506-3 :2014 spécifie une méthode pour l'étalonnage des blocs de référence à utiliser pour la vérification indirecte des machines d'essai de dureté Brinell, comme décrite dans l'ISO 6506‑2.
Les procédures nécessaires pour assurer la traçabilité métrologique de la machine d'étalonnage sont également spécifiées.
Matériaux métalliques — Essai de dureté Brinell — Partie 2: Vérification et étalonnage des machines ...
L'ISO 6506-2 :2017 spécifie des méthodes de vérifications directe et indirecte des machines d'essai utilisées pour la détermination de la dureté Brinell conformément à l'ISO 6506‑1 et spécifie également quand ces deux types de vérification doivent être réalisées.
La vérification directe implique de contrôler que les paramètres individuels de performance de la machine se situent à l…