Médecine bucco-dentaire — Élévateur de membrane sinusienne
L'ISO 19490:2017 spécifie les exigences et les méthodes d'essai relatives aux élévateurs de membrane sinusienne utilisés en implantologie dentaire pour relever le plancher sinusien. Il spécifie également les exigences relatives à leur marquage et étiquetage.
The proposal of this new work item is to develop product standards of "dry-cured ham". The product standard mainly includes six parts: (1) the scope of application; (2) normative references; (3) terms and definitions; (4) specifications, including general, sensory, raw material, food additives, and final products requirements; (5) sampling methods; (6) labelling, packaging,…
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — P...
ISO 7097-1:2004 describes an analytical method for the determination of uranium in pure product material samples such as U metal, UO2, UO3, uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, uranium hexafluoride and U3O8 from the nuclear fuel cycle. This procedure is sufficiently accurate and precise to be used for nuclear materials accountability. This method can be used directly for the analysis of most uranium and…
Conveyor belts — Electrical conductivity — Specification and test method
ISO 284:2012 specifies the maximum electrical resistance of a conveyor belt and the corresponding test method.
The test is intended to ensure that the belt is sufficiently conductive to avoid the accumulation of electrical static charge which can be developed during service use.
ISO 284:2012 is not suitable or applicable to light conveyor belts as described in ISO 21183-1, the static electrical…