Transmissions par courroies — Courroies striées, courroies trapézoïdales simples et jumelées y compr...
L'ISO 1813:2014 spécifie la résistance électrique maximale des courroies sans fin antistatique, de type courroies striées, courroies trapézoïdales simples et jumelées y compris celles à section large et hexagonales, ainsi que les méthodes de contrôle en production correspondantes et les méthodes de mesurage individuelle en laboratoire.
L'application de l'ISO 1813:2014 est limitée…
Plain bearings — Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions — Part 4: Permiss...
This document establishes the permissible operational parameters in terms of guide values for the calculation of selected multi-lobed and tilting-pad journal bearings.
In order to attain a sufficient operational safety of multi-lobed and tilting-pad journal bearings by the calculation according to ISO/TS 31657-1, it is necessary for the operational characteristic value hmin to be significantly…
Document management — Electronically stored information — Requirements for trustworthiness and relia...
This document specifies the implementation and operation of information management systems that stores and make available for use electronically stored information (ESI) in a trustworthy and reliable manner. Such ESI can be of any type, including “page based” information, information in databases and audio/video information.
This document is for use by any organization that uses information…
The provisions of this document apply to Single-Stage and economised refrigerant compressors of the positive displacement type. Selected test methods are described for the determination of the refrigerating capacity, the power, the isentropic efficiency and the coefficient of performance. These test methods provide results of sufficient accuracy to permit consideration of the suitability of a…
Plain bearings — Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions — Part 2: Functio...
This document specifies the characteristic values for selected two-, three- and four-lobe bearings.
The functions plotted and listed in table form below are required for the operationally safe design of hydrodynamic multi-lobed journal bearings according to ISO/TS 31657-1. They are based on the presumptions and boundary conditions indicated there and only apply to stationary operating states. The…