Cards and security devices for personal identification — Test methods — Part 6: Contactless proximit...
The ISO/IEC 10373 series defines test methods for characteristics of identification cards according to the definition given in ISO/IEC 7810. Each test method is cross‑referenced to one or more base standards, which can be ISO/IEC 7810 or one or more of the supplementary standards that define the information storage technologies employed in identification card applications.
NOTE 1 Criteria for…
Natural gas — Correlation between odorant concentration in air and odour intensity
This document describes how to establish the correlation between odorant concentration in air and odour intensity, usually presented in the form of odour intensity curves, following the odour intensity scale presented in Clause 5.
This document does not fix a required level of odour intensity in the natural gas: this prescription is specified by local/national regulation.
Information technology — Security techniques — Random bit generation
This document specifies a conceptual model for a random bit generator for cryptographic purposes, together with the elements of this model.
This document specifies the characteristics of the main elements required for both non-deterministic and deterministic random bit generators. It also establishes the security requirements for both non- deterministic and deterministic random bit generators.…
Information géographique — API géospatiale pour les entités — Partie 1: Profil minimal
Le présent document spécifie le comportement des API Web donnant accès aux entités d'un jeu de données indépendamment du système sous-jacent de stockage de données. Le présent document définit les opérations de découverte et d'interrogation.
Les opérations de découverte permettent aux clients d'interroger l'API, y compris la définition et les métadonnées de l'API…
Medical gas pipeline systems — Part 3: Proportioning units for the production of synthetic medical a...
This standard applies to proportioning units intended to produce synthetic medical air and air for driving surgical tools by mixing in defined proportions oxygen and nitrogen.
This standard applies to proportioning units intended to be components of a medical gas supply system for medical air which supplies a medical gas pipeline distribution system complying with ISO 7396-1.
The number of…
Road vehicles — Vehicle to grid communication interface — Part 10: Physical layer and data link laye...
This document specifies the requirements of the physical and data link layer of a wired ethernet High Level Communication (HLC) between Electric Vehicles (EV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The wired ethernet communication technology is used as an alternative to the wired PLC communication technology as defined in ISO 15118-3.
It covers the overall information exchange between…