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Code de la Classification internationale pour les normes (ICS)
Code de l’organisme d’élaboration de normes (OEN)
Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 31 - 40 de 118
Data governance – Part 2: Third party access to data
1 Scope This Standard specifies minimum requirements and a set of privacy controls for third-party access to data. This Standard applies to all organizations, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organizations.
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Statut :
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
35.020; 35.030
Data governance – Part 1: Data protection of digital assets
This Standard specifies minimum requirements for products and/or services providing data protection of digital assets at-rest, in-motion, and in-use across platforms (e.g., endpoints, mobile, cloud), facilitating secure sharing and collaboration across different IT systems within and between organizations.
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
35.020; 35.030
Information technology - Big data reference architecture - Part 3: Reference architecture
This document specifies the big data reference architecture (BDRA). The reference architecture includes concepts and architectural views. The reference architecture specified in this document defines two architectural viewpoints: - a user view defining roles/sub-roles, their relationships, and types of activities within a big data ecosystem; - a functional view defining the architectural…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Information technology — Big data reference architecture — Part 3: Reference architecture
This document specifies the big data reference architecture (BDRA). The reference architecture includes concepts and architectural views. The reference architecture specified in this document defines two architectural viewpoints: — a user view defining roles/sub-roles, their relationships, and types of activities within a big data ecosystem; — a functional view defining the architectural…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Economic evaluation of active assisted living services - Part 2: Example of use - Monitoring patient...
IEC SRD 63234-1:2020 provides a descriptive framework and template for the economic evaluation of the implementation of technology-supported home healthcare, wellness or AAL services. IEC SRD 63234-2:2020 provides an example of the use of the framework, specifically analysis and economic evaluation of the implementation of technology-supported, remote, in-home monitoring of patients (AAL care…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.080; 03.100.60
Economic evaluation of active assisted living services - Part 1: Framework
IEC SRD 63234-1:2020 provides a descriptive framework and template for the economic evaluation of the implementation of technology-supported home healthcare or wellness services, or AAL services that support communications, transportation, etc. as defined in a series of AAL use cases. The financial analysis is completed from the point of view of the healthcare services funder, aged care services…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.080; 03.100.60
Information technology - Cloud computing - Taxonomy based data handling for cloud services
The electronic version of this International Standard can be downloaded from the ISO/IEC Information Technology Task Force (ITTF) web site. This document: - describes a framework for the structured expression of data-related policies and practices in the cloud computing environment, based on the data taxonomy in ISO/IEC 19944; - provides guidelines on application of the taxonomy for handling…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Health informatics — Metadata repository requirements (MetaRep)
This document describes requirements for collections of metadata about data elements and their containing models and datasets in a healthcare environment. The collection can serve as a repository or as dictionary describing a set of items in use in a particular domain, organisation or product for reference, or it can additionally serve as a registry, supporting the development and communication…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Ethical design and use of automated decision systems
This Standard specifies minimum requirements in protecting human values and incorporating ethics in the design and use of automated decision systems. This Standard is limited to artificial intelligence (AI) using machine learning for automated decisions. This Standard applies to all organizations, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organizations. It…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.100.02; 03.100.02
Health informatics — Workforce roles and capabilities for terminology and terminology services in he...
This document specifies the tasks, roles, and key skills, requirements and competencies for personnel involved in terminology services in healthcare organizations. This document specifies — terminology services in healthcare organizations including the selection, authoring, and deployment and use of terminology subsets and maps; developing and managing terminology management processes…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :