Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection Oriented Presentation Se...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8822-1988.
It defines (in an abstract way) the externally visible service provided by the OSI Presentation Layer in terms of:
a) the primitive actions and events at the user/service boundary;
b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event;
c) the relationship between, and the valid…
Christmas Tree and Other Decorative Lighting Outfits
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to Christmas tree and other decorative lighting outfits, intended for connection to circuits of 125 V or less between conductors by means of an attachment plug cap, and designed to be used in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
1.2 This Standard applies to indoor or outdoor outfits for illuminating Christmas trees and…
Note: In order to maintain a consistent relationship between Clause numbers and subject matter throughout this Standard, some numbers may have been omitted.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to panelboards and enclosed panelboards, rated 600 V and less, for use in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, to provide overcurrent…
Covers plumbing supply fittings of NPS-1 nominal size and smaller and plumbing
waste fittings of NPS-2 nominal size and smaller. These devices are included
in, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) bath and/or shower supply fittings;
(b) bidet supply fittings;
(c) clothes washer supply fittings;
(d) drinking fountain supply fittings;
(e) laundry tub supply fittings;
Paper, board and pulps — Units for expressing properties
Applies to properties of paper, board and pulps, but excludes fibre building boards. Two separate tables give recommended units for use in connection with test methods which are already, and which are not at present, the subject of international standards.
Performance of high-voltage d.c. (HVDC) systems. Part 1: Steady-state conditions
This report provides general guidance on the steady-state performance requirements of HVDC systems. It concerns the steady-state performance of two-terminal HVDC systems utilizing 12-pulse convertor units comprised of three-phase bridge (double way) connections, but it does not cover multi-terminal HVDC transmission systems. Both terminals are assumed to use thyristor valves as the main…
Information Processing Systems - Data Communication - High-Level Data Link
Control Procedures - De...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
1. Scope and field of application
This International Standard defines an application of the following HDLc
Standards: ISO 3309, ISO 4335, ISO 7478, and ISO 7809. When there is
difficulty in the interpretation of a reworded requirements from one of the
other International Standards, the original…
Information Processing Systems - Data Communication - High-Level Data Link
Control Procedures - Ge...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
1. Scope and field of application
The principal use of the XID frame is to exchange data link information between
two or more HDLC stations. For the purpose of this International Standard, data
link information shall include any and all essential operational
characteristics such as identification…