ISO/TS 17431:2006 specifies an intermediate-scale test method that simulates a fire that under well-ventilated conditions starts in a corner of a small room with a single doorway and can develop until the room is fully involved in the fire.
ISO/TS 17431:2006 is primarily intended to evaluate the contribution to toxic hazard in, and potential for fire spread to, evacuation routes connected to the…
Technical product documentation — Reference designation system — Part 1: General application rules
ISO/TS 16952-1:2006 establishes comprehensive and practice-oriented principles and rules for the designation of technical objects within a system, as well as for the designation of connections, signals and documents in accordance with the corresponding basic standards.
The principles of ISO/TS 16952-1:2006 apply to all technical fields for all industries and can be applied in all phases of the…
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 202: High-voltage/low voltage prefabricated substatio...
This part of IEC 62271 specifies the service conditions, rated characteristics, general structural requirements and test methods of HV/LV or LV/HV prefabricated substations, which are cable-connected, to be operated from inside (walk-in type) or outside (non-walk-in type) for alternating current of rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV on the HV side, and for one or more…
Appareillage à haute tension - Partie 202: Postes préfabriqués haute tension/basse tension
La présente Norme Internationale prescrit les conditions de service, les caractéristiques assignées, les exigences structurelles générales, et les méthodes d'essai applicables aux postes préfabriqués HT/BT ou BT/HT qui sont connectés par câble, pour être man uvrés de l'intérieur (à aire de man uvre) ou de l'extérieur (sans aire de man uvre), pour courant alternatif de tensions…
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Part...
specifies more detailed test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria than IEC 61326-1 for equipment for
- insulation monitoring according to IEC 61557-8
-insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9;
This applies to insulation monitoring devices and insulation fault location systems permanently or semi-permanently connected to the distribution system.
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire - Exigences relatives à la CEM - Partie...
spécifie plus en détail que la CEI 61326-1, les configurations d'essai, les conditions de fonctionnement et les critères d'aptitude à la fonction pour les équipements pour
- la surveillance de l'isolation en accord avec la CEI 61557-8;
-la localisation des fautes d'isolation en accord avec la CEI 61557-9.
Elle s'applique aux dispositifs de surveillance de l'isolation…
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-se...
Specifies requirements for the connection of appliances to the water mains to prevent backsiphonage of non-potable water into the water mains and flooding due to failure of hose-sets. Appliances include washing machines, dishwashers and other appliances. This includes domestic appliances and those in shops and communal flats. The water pressure is not to exceed 1 MPa. Connection may be temporary…
Digital audio interface - Part 3: Consumer applications
IEC 60958-1:2006 specifies the consumer application of the interface for the inter-connection of digital audio equipment defined in IEC 60958-1. This third edition of IEC 60958-3 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes:<br />
- Electrical and optical requirements are removed from IEC 60958-3;<br /…
Digital audio interface - Part 3: Consumer applications
IEC 60958-1:2006 specifies the consumer application of the interface for the inter-connection of digital audio equipment defined in IEC 60958-1. This third edition of IEC 60958-3 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes:
- Electrical and optical requirements are removed from IEC 60958-3;
- they should be…
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to con...
This part of IEC 61000-4 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF…