This standard applies to methyl ethyl ketone for use as a solvent for paints,
strippable coatings, adhesives and for removal of petroleum type preservatives.
Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Piping and Round Ducting
This standard applies to three types and five classes of jacketed and
unjacketed mineral fibre products suitable for use as thermal insulation on
piping and round ducting with surface temperatures up to 875 degrees C.
Products to this standard may include a surface covering that forms an integral
part of the insulation.
1. Scope
This Standard applies to polyethylene pipe, tubing, and fittings for use in gas
mains and services, including gathering, transmission, and distribution
applications, that carry fuel gases containing not more than 1% aromatic
This Standard also applies to all types of fittings and connections used in a
plastic gas pipe system including plastic-to-metal…
Test Method for Measuring Energy Consumption and Drum Volume of Electrically
Heated Household Tumble...
This Standard specifies the methods to be used for measuring the energy
consumption and drum volume, and for testing the performance characteristics,
of automatic household electric tumble-type clothes dryers.
This Standard describes methods for determining energy consumption with
associated energy factors and specifies maximum energy consumption limits.
This Standard applies to…
Performance Standard for Roadway Lighting Luminaires
This Standard provides energy and lighting performance requirements for
Cobra-head type luminaires using 50-400 W high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and
small and medium prismatic glass, polycarbonate and acrylic refractors.
This Standard applies to luminaires used along streets, roadways, and highways
in standard one-sided, staggered, and opposite layout arrangements.
Cette norme traite des exigences de rendement énergétique et lumineux des
luminaires de type cobra équipés de lampes à vapeur de sodium à haute pression
de 50 à 400 W et de diffuseurs prismatiques en verre, en polycarbonate ou en
plastique acrylique, petits et moyens.
Cette norme s'applique aux luminaires utilisés le long des rues, des routes et
des autoroutes dont la…
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Structure of management information: Definit...
Defines the managed object classes, attribute types, name bindings, packages, specific attributes, action types, parameter types and notification types documented in accordance with CCITT Rev. X.722 / ISO/IEC 10165-4 and specifies compliance requirements placed on other CCITT Recommendations / International Standards that make use of these definitions. Is applicable to the development of OSI…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Definit...
Defines the managed object classes, attribute types, name bindings, packages, specific attributes, action types, parameter types and notification types documented in accordance with CCITT Rev. X.722 / ISO/IEC 10165-4 and specifies compliance requirements placed on other CCITT Recommendations / International Standards that make use of these definitions. Is applicable to the development of OSI…
Definitions and General Requirements for Mobile homes
1. Scope
This Standard provides the definitions for mobile home terminology as used in the CAN/CSA-Z240 MH Series, Mobile homes. It also gives requirements of a general nature which apply to the other Standards in the Series.
Vehicle Requirements for Mobile homes
1. Scope
Test Method for Measuring Energy Consumption and Capacity of Automatic
Household Clothes Washers
This Standard specifies the methods to be used for measuring the capacity and
energy consumption of automatic household electric clothes washers.
This Standard describes methods for determining energy consumption, and
specifies energy consumption limits for top-loading compact and standard
clothes washers.
This Standard applies to household automatic top-loaded and front-…