1. Scope
1.1 This standard applies to a flat latex finish for all types of interior
walls and ceilings either new or previously painted.
1.2 Paint complying with this standard is intended for use on walls and
ceilings with the exception of bathrooms and kitchens. It is suitable
for application over practically any type of wall surface, including…
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General requirements
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard CEI/IEC 730-1:1993 (second edition), including Amendment 1:1994.
1 Scope and normative references
1.1 In general, this standard applies to automatic electrical controls for use in, on, or in association with equipment for household and similar use, including controls for heating, air-conditioning and similar applications.…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between
systems - High-level d...
The international community has decided to make this standard available only in
the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of
Canada on this basis.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC 4335:1993.
1. Scope
This International Standard specifies elements of data link control procedures
for synchronous or start/…
Mobility Aid Securement and Occupant Restraint (MASOR) Systems for Motor Vehicles
1. Scope
This Standard applies to construction, marking, test procedure, and performance
requirements for mobility aid securement and occupant restraint (MASOR) systems
used to reduce the risk of passenger injury in special service public
transportation vehicles equipped to transport mobility aids.
Note: This Standard contains requirements relevant only to frontal impact of
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Specifies the requirements for the Data Link Layer that apply specifically to configurations involving access to an ISDN subnetwork. The requirements specified in this part apply to Service Access Point Identifier (SAPI) of value 0 used to provide Data Link Layer services to a call control Layer 3 entity and to SAPI of value 16 used to provide Data Link Layer services to an X.25 Layer 3 entity.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Specifies the requirements for Network Layer and Data Link Layer that apply specifically to configurations involving access to an ISDN subnetwork for B-channel X.25 DTE to DCE operation (Semi-permanent or Circuit-mode service).
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Specifies the requirements for Network Layer and Data Link Layer that apply specifically to configurations involving access to an ISDN subnetwork for B-channel X.25 DTE to DCE operation.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Gives the subnetwork-type dependent requirements for the Network Layer and Data Link Layer concerning data transfer using virtual call where end systems attached to a packet mode ISDN (B-channel access case).
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Gives the subnetwork-type dependent requirements for the Network Layer concerning packet switched signalling and data transfer using virtual calls and the data Link Layer concerning data transfer.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE — Connection-mode Tra...
Specifies the requirements for Network Layer that apply specifically to configurations involving access to an ISDN subnetwork using a circuit-mode bearer service.