Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: ...
Gives the requirements for one type of heat-shrinkable, flame retarded, fluid resistant, elastomer sleeving with temperature index of 120 and a nominal shrink ratio of 2:1. This sleeving is normally supplied with internal diameter up to 102 mm and the standard colour is black.
Gaines isolantes souples - Partie 3: Spécifications pour types particuliers de gaines - Feuille 271:...
Donne les prescriptions relatives à un type de gaines thermorétractables en élastomère, retardée à la flamme et résistant aux fluides, dont l'indice de température est de 120 et ayant un rapport de rétreint nominal de 2:1. Cette gaine est normalement fournie avec un diamètre intérieur allant jusqu'à 102 mm et la couleur standard est noire.
Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
Describes the standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise which is to be used when testing tungsten filament or discharge lamps for compliance with the limits. Covers the method of test and the specifications for test lampholders for lamps fitted with various sizes of ES and BC caps. This method has been used widely for incandescent lamps but its application is not limited to that…
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard CEI/IEC 920:1990
1. Scope
This standard covers ballasts, excluding resistance types, for use on a.c.
supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, associated with tubular fluorescent
lamps with or without pre-heated cathodes operated with or without a starter or
starting device and having rated wattages, dimensions and…
Testing Method for Measuring Energy Consumption and Determining Efficiencies of
Gas-Fired Water Hea...
1. Scope
This Standard describes the test procedures and calculations required to
determine the recovery efficiency, standby loss, daily water heating energy
consumption, average hourly hot-water storage energy consumption, recovery
rate, first-hour rating, 24 h simulated test, and energy factor for gas-fired
water heaters.
The requirements of this Standard apply to natural…
1. Scope
This Standard applies to apparatus, including apparatus intended for
professional use, that is used to transmit, receive, and process electronic
signals and signals of vocal, musical, or visual origin, and which is not
necessarily under the jurisdiction of a skilled person. Processing of
electronic signals includes amplification, modulation, demodulation, encoding,
1. SCOPe
1.1 These requirements cover mechanical key locks categorized as follows:
A Cabinet locking cylinder;
B Door locks;
C Locking cylinders;
D Security container key locks utilizing Type 1 and Type 2 locks; and
E Two-key locks.
1.2 At the manufacturer's option, a suffix 'C' may be used to denote a key
lock which has been tested…
These requirements cover the construction and performance, exclusive of performance during fire tests, of portable foam-type fire extinguishers. Foam fire extinguishers are intended to be utilized in accordance with the Standard
for Portable Fire Extinguishers, NFPA 10.
The requirements for performance during fire testing of foam fire extinguishers are specified in…
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 228: ...
Gives the requirements for one type of heat-shrinkable, flame retarded, fluid resistant, polvinylidene fluoride sleeving with a temperature index of 175 and a nominal shrink ratio of 2:1. This sleeving is normally supplied with internal diameter up to 25,4 mm and the standard colour is transparent.
Gaines isolantes souples - Partie 3: Spécifications pour types particuliers de gaines - Feuille 228:...
Donne les prescriptions relatives à un type de gaines thermoretractables en polyoléfine dont l'indice de température est de 175 et ayant un rapport de retreint nominal de 2:1.
Elle est normalement fournie avec un diamètre intérieur allant jusqu'à 25,4 mm et la couleur standard est transparente.