1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, and quality control of all types of concrete poles.
This Standard applies to poles manufactured using the casting and spinning processes.
This Standard does not address the rules for
(a) determining the required strength or other functional properties of pole applications; or
(b) choosing a particular class…
Information Technology - Data Interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm Optical Disk Using +RW Format - Capaci...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 17341:2006.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of 120 mm rewritable optical disks with capacities of 4,7 GB and 9,4 GB. It specifies the quality of the recorded and unrecorded signals, the format of the data and the recording method, thereby…
Information Technology - Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21) - Part 15: Event Reporting
This National Standard of anada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 21000-15:2006.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This part of ISO/IEC 21000 specifies
- how to express Event Report Requests (ER-R) that contain information about which Events to report, what information is to be reported and to whom;
- how to express Event Reports (ER) which are created by an MPEG-21 Peer in response to an…
Information Technology - Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21) - Part 5: Rights Expression Language
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 21000-5:2004.
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 21000 specifies the syntax and semantics of a Rights Expression Language.
This part of ISO/IEC 21000 does not give any permission, including permissions about who is legally or technically allowed to create Rights Expressions. It does not specify the security measures of…
Information Technology - Keyboard Layouts for Text and Office Systems - Part 1: General Principles G...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 9995-1:2006.
1 Scope
lSO/IEC 9995 specifies various characteristics of keyboards used by information technology equipment (ITE), e.g.
a) personal computers, workstations, computer terminals, VDTs (visual display terminals), typewriters, etc., having an alphanumeric keyboard;
b) calculators, telephones and…
Information Technology - Keyboard Layouts for Text and Office Systems - Part 1: General Principles G...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 9995-1:2006.
1 Scope
lSO/IEC 9995 specifies various characteristics of keyboards used by information technology equipment (ITE), e.g.
a) personal computers, workstations, computer terminals, VDTs (visual display terminals), typewriters, etc., having an alphanumeric keyboard;
b) calculators, telephones and…
Information Technology - Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21) - Part 11: Evaluation Tools for Persistent A...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC TR 21000-11:2004.
1 Scope
1.1 Introduction
MPEG-21 will provide an over-arching framework within which many elements of multimedia are brought together. In particular, coded representations of content will be juxtaposed with metadata descriptors and the Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP)…
Information Technology - Multimedia Framework (MPEG-21) - Part 17: Fragment Identification of MPEG R...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 21000-17:2006.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This International Standard is titled "Fragment Identification of MPEG Resources" and specifies a normative syntax for URI Fragment Identifiers to be used for addressing parts of any resource whose Internet Media Type is one of:
- audio/mpeg [RFC3003];
- video/mpeg […
Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 6: Data...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 13249-6:2006.
1 Scope
ISO/IEC 13249 defines a number of packages of generic data types common to various kinds of data used in multimedia and application areas, to enable that data to be stored and manipulated in an SQL database.
This part of ISO/IEC 13249
a) introduces the data mining part of ISO/IEC 13249,
Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual Objects - Part 20: Lightweight Application Scene Rep...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 14496-20:2006, including Technical Corrigendum 1:2007.
1 Scope
This International Standard defines a scene description format (LASeR) and an aggregation format (SAF) respectively suitable for representing and delivering rich-media services to resource-constrained devices such as mobile phones.
LASeR aims at…