Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 4-14: Audio Video Device Control Protocol —...
ISO/IEC 29341-4-14:2011(E) The ScheduledRecording service is a UPnP service that allows control points to schedule the recording of content. Generally, this content is broadcast content, but this specification does not limit itself to broadcast content. This service type enables the following functions:
- Create a recordSchedule.
- Browse a list of…
Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 4-2: Audio Video Device Control Protocol — ...
ISO/IEC 29341-4-2:2011(E) The MediaRenderer specification defines a general-purpose device template that can be used to instantiate any Consumer Electronics (CE) device that is capable of rendering AV content from the home network. It exposes a set of rendering controls in which a control point can control how the specified AV content is rendered. This includes controlling various rendering…
Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 3-1: Audio Video Device Control Protocol - ...
ISO/IEC 29341-3-1:2011(E) describes the overall UPnP AV Architecture, which forms the foundation for the UPnP AV Device and Service templates. The AV Architecture defines the general interaction between UPnP Control Points and UPnP AV devices. It is independent of any particular device type, content format, and transfer protocol. It supports a variety of devices such as TVs, VCRs, CD/DVD players/…
Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 3-1: Audio Video Device Control Protocol — ...
ISO/IEC 29341-3-1:2011(E) describes the overall UPnP AV Architecture, which forms the foundation for the UPnP AV Device and Service templates. The AV Architecture defines the general interaction between UPnP Control Points and UPnP AV devices. It is independent of any particular device type, content format, and transfer protocol. It supports a variety of devices such as TVs, VCRs, CD/DVD players/…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Corporate tel...
Mobility for enterprise communications is the ability for persons and objects (e.g. vehicles, sensors and other machines) belonging to the enterprise to use communication and information services regardless of changes in their physical location. This includes also the ability to be reached by other persons or objects for communications.
ISO/IEC TR 26927:2011 encompasses the mobility of enterprise…
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard describes essential elements and specific requirements for the planning, design, and
construction of health care facilities (HCFs), both public and private. It applies to all facilities providing
health care services regardless of type, size, location, or range of services, including
(a) acute care hospitals;
(b) inpatient continuing care hospitals;
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Corporate tel...
Mobility for enterprise communications is the ability for persons and objects (e.g. vehicles, sensors and other machines) belonging to the enterprise to use communication and information services regardless of changes in their physical location. This includes also the ability to be reached by other persons or objects for communications.
ISO/IEC TR 26927:2011 encompasses the mobility of enterprise…
Electrical installations in ships - Part 353: Power cables for rated voltages 1 kV and 3 kV
IEC 60092-353:2011 is applicable to shipboard and offshore non radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation, having a voltage rating of 0,6/1 (1,2) kV and 1,8/3 (3,6) kV intended for fixed installations. Cables for use in circuits requiring resistance to fire are included. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods shall comply…
Rubber — Determination of adhesion to rigid materials using conical shaped parts
ISO 5600:2011 specifies a method for the determination of the static vulcanized adhesion strength of rubber compounds to rigid materials. The test piece is composed of two conical ends of the rigid material, joined by a cylinder of rubber.
The adhesion is obtained by a bonding system which can include not only the rigid material and the rubber compound, but other elements such as thin alloy…
Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Use of time-of-flight diffraction technique ...
ISO 10863:2011 specifies the application of the time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) technique to the semi- or fully automated ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints in metallic materials of minimum thickness 6 mm. It applies to full penetration welded joints of simple geometry in plates, pipes, and vessels, where both the weld and parent material are low-alloyed carbon steel. Where specified…