Dimensions of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulator units
Applies to string insulator units of the can and pin type and also of the long rod type as well as to the fittings used with such insulators. Defines dimensions of a series of clevis and tongue couplings to permit the assembly of insulators or fittings supplied by different manufacturers.
Note: - For co-ordination between standardized dimensions and strength classes of cap and pin type…
Standard directions of movement for actuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus
Establishes general actuating principles for manually operated actuators forming part of the man-machine interface associated with electrical equipment.
Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
Third supplement: Instrumentation of gas-cooled graphite-moderated reactors
Applicable more particularly to instrumentation for gas-cooled graphite-moderated reactors, Type 1: reactors having metallic natural uranium fuel clad with magnesium alloy, and Type 2: reactors having enriched uranium oxide fuel clad with stainless steel. The IEC 60231 series of standards is no longer up-to-date and will not be revised by IEC. The standards are maintained for the time being for…
Specified the pressure and characteristics and is applicable primarily to gas as supplied by manufacterer. Is also an acceptable standard which may be invokes in subsequent stages of distribution. The characteristics include purity, water, odour, flammability and toxity and solids.
Potassium sulphate for industrial use — Determination of potassium content — Flame emission spectrop...
The principle of the method consists in dissolution of a test portion previosly ground and sifted. Acidification to pH 1 after suitable dilution and atomization of the resultant solution in the burner of a flame spectrophotometer. Determination of the potassium content by measurement of the intensity of the radiation emitted at 766 nm. Comparison with the intensity of standard potassium chloride…
Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of sodium content — Flame emission spectropho...
The method is applicable to products having sodium contents greater than 0.01 % (m/m). The principle consists in the dissolution of a test portion, followed by acidification to ph value 1. Atomization of the obtained solution in the burner of a flame spectrophotometer. Measurement of the intensity of the radiation emitted at 589 nm; comparison with the intensity obtained for standard sodium…
Paints and varnishes — Bend test (cylindrical mandrel)
Empirial test procedure for assessing the resistance of a single coating or for a multicoat system to cracking and/or detachment from a metal substrate when subjected to bending round a cylindrical mandrel under standard conditions. The method of test specified may be carried out either with a single specified size of mandrel or by repeating the procedure using successively smaller mandrels. Two…
Urea for industrial use — Measurement of the variation of pH in the presence of formaldehyde — Poten...
Specifies the principle of measurement, at (20 0.5) 0C, of the quantity of 0.01 N sodium hydroxide standard volumetric solution required to take the pH of a solution containing 50 g of sample in 100 ml of water to a pH of 8.3 after addition of formaldehyde. Has also been approved by the IUPAC.