Thread run-outs for fasteners with thread in accordance with ISO 261 and ISO 262
Specifies for fully threaded screws with machined, or rolled threads pitches of the thread ranging from 0,2 mm to 6 mm and thread diameters (coarse thread) ranging from 1 mm to 68 mm; it does not apply to those threaded fasteners where special requirements are laid down in the product standards.
Insulation co-ordination - Part 1: Terms, definitions, principles and rules
Applies to three phase alternating current systems having a highest voltage for equipment above 1 kV. Specifies the procedures for the selection of the standard withstand voltages for the phase to earth, phase to phase and longitudinal insulation of the equipment and the installations of these systems. Supersedes sections 2 and 3 of IEC 71-3.
Sound system equipment - Part 10: Peak programme level meters
Applies to audio-frequency peak programme level meters, for use in equipment for broadcasting, sound reinforcement, sound recording and household entertainment.
This part does not apply to Standard volume indicators which are dealt with in IEC 268-17.
This edition supersedes the first edition of IEC 268-10 (1976) and its supplement 268-10A (1978).
Quartz crystal units for frequency control and selection - Part 1: Standard values and test conditio...
Chapter I contains terms and definitions and gives standard values for operating temperature ranges, load capacitance, levels of drive and leak rate. Requirements concerning marking of the crystal unit are also stated. Chapter II deals with standard conditions for testing, visual examination, electrical and mechanical tests. A test schedule for type-tests is included.
Electro-acoustical measuring equipment for aircraft noise certification.
Specifies requirements for microphone system, tape recorder, filters, attenuators and analyzers. Establishes procedure for data acquisition and calibration and checking of system. This standard should be used in conjunction with ISO 3891.
Comparative information on IEC and North-American flexible cord types.
Contains tables indicating comparative constructions of flexible cords similar to those included in IEC 227 and IEC 245, but which have been used in North America. Provides information for use during the period of time necessary for harmonization to take place from North American types towards the adoption of IEC standards. This information should be of value to those who are concerned with…
Basic aspects of the safety philosophy of electrical equipment used in medical practice
This report identifies fundamental considerations to be taken into account in developing standards to ensure the safety of medical electrical equipment.
It follows closely recommendations of ISO/IEC Guide 51 and expands on matters which are unique to, or critical in, the application of medical electrical equipment.
Deals with the concept of inherent filtration of X-ray tube assemblies, its definition, methods of indication and its determination, and the statement of inherent filtration measured according to this standard.
Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services - Part 1: General definitions...
Applies to radio transmitting and receiving equipment and systems used in the mobile services. Is restricted to land and mobile stations in the mobile services and to portable and personal equipment which may operate in one or more radio-frequency channels in the frequency range below 1 000 MHz. Applies to detailed methods of making measurements selected and recommended for assessing the…
Essential ratings and characteristics of semiconductor devices and general principles of measuring m...
Gives conditions for electrical tests, for different temperature conditions and for different durations, as well as failure-defining characteristics and failure criteria, which are standardized for each device category. This permits a unique and easy comparison of data presented by different manufacturers, relative to acceptance testing as well as to reliability testing.
Deals with semiconductor…