Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction,
Earthmoving, Forestry, Indus...
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers the performance, testing, and design of Rollover
Protective Structures (ROPS) for certain types of self-propelled
machines for agricultural, construction, earthmoving, forestry,
industrial, and mining operations, as listed in Clause 1.2, 1.3, and
1.2 This Standard covers the performance requirements, based on…
Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use — Determination of water content — Conductimetric met...
Suitable for use as a routine alternative to the Karl Fischer method specified in ISO 3699 but may give a lower standard of accuracy. Applicable to products having a water content between 0.01 % (m/m) and 0.4 % (m/m). Bases on the measurement of the conductance of anhydrous products using a dip cell electrode. Determination of the corresponding content by means of a calibration graph making a…
Conditioning and testing — Standard atmospheres — Definitions
Defines three types. They are often required in order to investigate the effect of extreme climatic conditions on test specimens. Such atmospheres often differ greatly from ordinary ambient conditions.
Procedure for In-Situ Measurement of Noise From Industrial Equipment
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers procedures for the measurement of airborne sound originating from industrial equipment in the working environment rather than in a standardized environment.
1.2 This Standard describes the following three procedures:
(a) A procedure for determining the A-weighted sound levels at representative points around the equipment (see Clause 5);
(b) A…
Metallic coatings on metallic substrates — Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings — Revi...
Is limited to qualitative tests. Table 2 indicates the suitablility of each test for some of the most usual types of metallic coatings. Most of the tests are capable of destroying both the coating and the article being tested. Some destroy the coating only, but it should not be assumed that the articles are undamaged. When particular methods of adhesion testing are included in International…
Vacuum technology — Quick release couplings — Dimensions — Part 2: Screwed type
ISO 2861-2:1980 specifies the dimensions of quick-release couplings of the screwed type as used in vacuum technology, as well as those of the “O” rings and the insert which are associated with these tailpieces to ensure coupling tightness.
General information is also included which refers to the clamped quick-release coupling standardized internationally in ISO 2861-1, with which the screwed…
Rubber, vulcanized — Antistatic and conductive products for industrial use — Electrical resistance l...
These limits are generally appropriate for the products listed. If, however, an International Standard has been issued for an individual product, the method specified there shall be used. Does not apply to articles whose surfaces are composed of mixtures of insulating and conducting areas or articles with substantial surface area of insulating material. A defined system of electrodes is used for…
Raw, refined and boiled linseed oil for paints and varnishes — Specifications and methods of test
Specifies the requirements and gives definitions for the raw materials. 23 C is the standard temperature for the test unless otherwise agreed. Stricter requirements may be agreed between the interested parties. Cancels and replaces the ISO Recommendation R 150-1960.
Electrodynamic test equipment for generating vibration — Methods of describing equipment characteris...
Establishes a list and the standard method of obtaining certain properties. Provides three levels of description to be used. Gives for each of these levels a list of the properties to be specified by the manufacturer in his tender and in his literature.
Complete, filled transport packages — General rules for the compilation of performance test schedule...
Basic terms are described, such as distribution systems, hazards during transport, laboratory test of packagesd, performance test schedules. Specification is given for the standardization of test methods and order of tests, selection and modification of test intensities, selection of package attitude, compilation of test schedules and determination of criteria of acceptance. An annex specifies…