Divides non-assembled strips into three quality grades that are identified by (+++), (++), (+) corresponding to the conditions specified in the tables. Designation or names for these quality grades may be assigned in national standards, provided that such standard indicate, at least in a note, the relationship with the ISO classification. Replaces Recommendation ISO/R 1324-1970 of which it…
Environmental tests for aircraft equipment — Insulation resistance and high voltage tests for electr...
Is part of a series of standards specifying tests. The tests given herein have to be considered as two different tests. A high insulation resistance Alone does not prove that the insulation is free from defects. Gives requirements for tests. Relates the insulation requirements to four categories of equipment. Does not deal with the insulation testing of equipment installed in aircraft.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to unit equipment intended for connection to circuits with nominal voltages of 600 V and less, and intended for installation indoors in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
1.2 This Standard applies to unit equipment intended to provide illu mination in the event of a failure of the normal power supply…
Wiring Space and Wire Bending Space in Enclosures for Equipment Rated 750 V or Less
1. Scope
This Standard applies to enclosed equipment that is to be permanently field
connected to line or load circuits rated 750 V or less.
Minimum wiring space and wire bending space requirements are specified for
field installed wires terminating in or passing through enclosures or terminal
The requirements are considered to be the minima that would permit…
Standard for Magnesium and Zinc Anode Assemblies and Zinc Reference
Covers sacrificial magnesium and zinc anode assemblies and zinc
reference electrodes which are intended for use in the cathodic
protection of steel underground tanks which have been coated and
installed in accordance with the requirements contained in the
Standard for Galvanic Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel
Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids,
Paper Enclosures for the Filing and Storage of Processed Microfiche
This standard describes the physical and chemical requirements for paper
enclosures designed for the filing and storage of processed microfiche. (See
Annexes A to E.)
Applies to replacement media for roll type air filters for the removal of
particulate matter from the air stream in heating, air conditioning and
ventilating systems with face velocities up to 3.2 m/s. It establishes
standard ratings of performance criteria and identifies physical properties
that are pertinent and necessary for proper filter performance.
Shipbuilding — Deck machinery — General requirements
Specifies the characteristics common to all deck machinery of any type not detailed in the relevant specific International Standards. If in any items this Standard contradicts the specific International Standard, it shall be overruled by the specific International Standard.