Documentation — Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing ...
Describes general techniques for document analysis which should apply in all indexing situations. These techniques can be employed by any agency in which human indexers analyse the subjects of documents and express these subjects in indexing terms. Is intended to promote standard practice within an agency or network of agencies as well as between different indexing agencies, especially those…
Statement of test methods for the instruments such as burrs, cutters, diamond instruments and abrasives. Root canal instruments are excluded. In the relevant product standards reference is made to the methods specified in this standard.
Grooved vertical joints with connecting bars and concrete infill between large reinforced concrete p...
Specifies a laboratory mechanical method of test for the determination of the relationship between tangential loading and relative displacement for certain types of vertical joints between large reinforced concrete panels subjected to tangential loading. Is applicable to vertical joints between large wall-panels satisfying certain conditions defined in the standard.
Oil of rosewood — Determination of alpha-terpineol content — Gas chromatographic method on packed co...
A small quantity of the oil is analyzed by gas chromatography under specified conditions on a packed column. The
-terpineol content is determined by using the internal standard method. Operating temperatures: Oven: isotherm between 120 and 150 °C. Injection system: about 170 °C. Detector: about 170 °C.
Oil of sandalwood — Determination of santalols content (in the form of their trimethylsilyl derivati...
A small quantity of the oil is analyzed under specified conditions. The santalols content is determined by using the internal standard method after their transformation into the corresponding trimethylsilyl ethers. Polyethylene glycol 20 000 is used as stationary phase.
Data processing - Procedure for registration of escape sequences
Includes the procedure to be followed by a Registration Authority in preparing, maintaining and publishing a register of escape sequences and of the characters or character sets they identify. The described escape sequences are those of ISO 2022, however, they are provided in this standard. Applicable in conformance with ISO 646, 2022, and 4873.
Petroleum products — Lubricating grease and petrolatum — Determination of cone penetration
Section One gives four procedures for determination of the consistency by measurement of the penetration of a standard cone. Section Two gives methods, when only small samples are available, by the use of cones a half or quarter scale of that used in Section One. The methods are applicable to penetrations of 175 to 385 units. They are not intended to replace the full-scale penetration.
Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of calcium content — Part 1: Titrimetric method
The method is applicable to products having contents greater than 1 g/kg. It consists in ashing of a test portion, treatment of the ash with hydrochloric acid and precipitation of the calcium as calcium oxalate, dissolution of the precipitation in sulfuric acid and titration with standard volumetric potassium permanganate solution of the oxalic acid formed.
Data processing — Procedure for registration of escape sequences
Includes the procedure to be followed by a Registration Authority in preparing, maintaining and publishing a register of escape sequences and of the characters or character sets they identify. The described escape sequences are those of ISO 2022, however, they are provided in this standard. Applicable in conformance with ISO 646, 2022, and 4873.