The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear, mobile liquid. Colour: Almost colourless to pale greenish-yellow. Odour and flavour: Fresh and recalling the odour of the leaf. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,920 - 0,937. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4850 - 1,4910. Optical rotation at 20 °C: - 60 to - 45 . Miscibility in 80 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1: 1.…
Information Processing Systems - Data Communications - Use of X.25 to
Provide the OSI Connection-M...
This National Standard of Canada is identical in content and in
layout with International Standard ISO 8878-1987.
1. Scope and field of application
The OSI CONS, as stated above, is defined in terms of a set of primitive
actions and events and associated parameters. For a protocol to support this
service, there must be a mapping between the abstract primitives and parameters
of the…
Information Processing Systems-Open Systems Interconnection-Internal
Organization of the Network La...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 8648-1988.
1 Scope and Field of Application
This International Standard provides an architectural model of the OSI Network Layer as a framework for OSI Network Layer standardization, allowing incorporation of existing networks within the OSI architecture.
This framework encourages the design of real subnetworks…
This standard applies to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) consisting essentially
of butane and/or butylenes.
The liquefied petroleum gas is intended for use in gas burning equipment in the
generation of heat for domestic and industrial purposes where a low volatility
liquefied petroleum gas is required.
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Cold Application, Hard Film
This standard applies to a hard film type of solvent-dispersed rust preventive
compound with a minimum flow point of 80 degrees C for the nonvolatile
For details on uses see par. 7.2.
Information processing — Text and office systems — Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) — Ame...
Enhances the technical content of ISO 8879. Changes are listed in order by page number and clause or sub-clause number. Clauses of concern are: 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15.
Environmental testing. Part 1: General and guidance
Enumerates a series of environmental tests and appropriate severities, and prescribes various atmospheric conditions for measurements for the ability of specimens to perform under normal conditions of transportation, storage and operational use.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
Low-frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath. Part 3: Equipment wires with soli...
Applicable to equipment wires with solid or stranded conductor, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated, in singles, pairs and triples. The object of this standard is to specify requirements for wires used for the internal wiring of telecommunication equipment and of industrial and consumer electronic equipment.