Aerospace — Nuts, hexagonal, self-locking, with MJ threads, coated or uncoated, classification 1 100...
The values laid down herein have been specified so as to satisfy the requirements laid down in ISO 5858. The values given apply to nuts, a self-locking feature of which is achieved by forming the upper portion out-of-round. Is intended solely for the drawing up of product standards appropriate for aerospace use.
Compressors for the process industry — Reciprocating types — Specifications and data sheets for thei...
Specifies the technical requirements for the design and construction of compressors; it also details the documetation requirements. Annex A, which contains instructions subject agreements in the contract, is given for information only. Annex B, which contains the data sheets, forms an integral part of this Standard.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessmen...
Identifies four levels of mill scale and rust that are commonly found on surfaces of uncoated steel. It also identifies certain degrees of visual cleanliness after surface preparation of uncoated steel surfaces and of steel surfaces after total removal of any previous coating. Are defined by written descriptions together with photographic examples. Is equivalent to Swedish Standard SS 05 59 00 (…
Specification of minimum performance and safety requirements for small , portable, operator-powered and gas-powered ventilatory resuscitators for use in emergency situations. Electrically powered devices and such intended to assist or provide for ventilation of a patient for an extended period of time are not covered by this standard. Definitions of terms are given. The annexes contain test…
Wheat flour — Physical characteristics of doughs — Part 3: Determination of water absorption and rhe...
Is based on Standard No.115 of the International Assotiation for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). The method consists in measuring and recording of the consitency of a dough as it is formed from flour and water, as it is developed, and as it is broken down. An informative annex A gives a description of the valorigraph.
Aerospace — Nuts, spline-drive, self-locking, with MJ threads, coated or uncoated, classification 1 ...
The values laid down herein have been specified so as to satisfy the requirements laid down in ISO 5858 or ISO 8641 (depending on the classification of the nut). States the values for nuts, a self-locking feature achieved by forming the upper portion out-of-round and with the given classification. Is intended solely for the drawing up of product standards appropriate for aerospace use.
Hardmetals — Rockwell hardness test (scale A) — Part 2: Preparation and calibration of standard test...
Specifies primary standard test blocks, secondary standard test blocks and working standard test blocks calibrated from master standard test blocks to be used for the verification of Rockwell hardness testing machines and indenters for testing hardmetals. This part of ISO 3738 should be read in conjunction with ISO 3738-1.
Miniature fuses - Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links
This standard relates to special requirements applicable to sub-miniature fuse-links adapted to printed circuits and used for the protection of electric appliances, electronic equipment and component parts thereof, normally intended to be used indoors.
This standard also applies to the requirements of IEC 60127-1.
Miniature fuses - Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirements for miniature fus...
This standard relates to miniature fuses for the protection of electric appliances, electronic equipment and component parts thereof normally intended to be used indoors. It relates to general requirements applicable to all fuses, which fall under the category of miniature fuses. Specific details covering each major subdivision are given in subsequent parts.
Valve outlets for gas cylinders — List of provisions which are either standardized or in use
Specifies details for types of threads and thread sizes. Tabulates nominal diameters from 9,73 mm up to and including 30 mm together with the corresponding pitches and designations, refers to the national standards of concern (table 1). Table 2 contains valve outlets for toxic gases; valve outlets for flammable gases are given in table 3. Table 4 gives valve outlets for oxidizing gases, and table…