Piping - PVC Plastic Rigid Pipe and Fittings, 200 mm in Diameter or
Greater, for Underground Sewag...
The object of this standard is to establish requirements for dimensions,
characteristics and test methods relating to single wall, rigid, PVC plastic
pipe, 200 mm in diameter or greater, used underground to convey liquids under
no pressure.
This standard also applies to fittings used to join these pipes to each other
or to pipes of smaller diameters described in standard BNQ 3624-130.…
Establishment of the classification of and specification of the requirements for impression materials in powder form containing an alginate as the gel-forming ingredient. This standard replaces ISO/R 1563/1970 of which it constitutes a technical revision. The figures show the different test apparatus, instruments and components.
Éléments standards pour machines-outils — Palettes — Partie 2: Palettes porte-pièce de dimension nom...
La présente partie de l'ISO 8526 prescrit les dimensions des palettes porte-pièce utilisées sur les machines-outils et dans les systèmes de production. Elle est applicable aux palettes de dimensions nominales: 1 000 mm, 1 250 mm, 1 600 mm et 2 000 mm
Elastomeric parts for aqueous parenteral preparations
The elastomeric parts generally called "rubber" may vary considerably in their composition with regard to fillers, softeners, pigments and other auxiliary ingredients. This standard defines procedures for identifying and classifying elastomeric parts for primary packs and medical devices used in direct contact with the preparations. To avoid any affection of the preparations the 12…
Information technology - Picture coding methods - Part 2: Procedure for registration
Specifies the procedures to be followed by a Registration Authority in preparing, maintaining and publishing a register of identifiers allocated to the methods concerned. Except the identifiers the registration does not affect the status of the method. Thus, the registration procedure must be clearly distinguished from the standardization process.
Information technology — Picture coding methods — Part 2: Procedure for registration
Specifies the procedures to be followed by a Registration Authority in preparing, maintaining and publishing a register of identifiers allocated to the methods concerned. Except the identifiers the registration does not affect the status of the method. Thus, the registration procedure must be clearly distinguished from the standardization process.