Human Physical Dimensions of Operators - Minimum Operator Space Envelope -
Machinery (EMM, AM, FM)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 3411-1982. It defines the dimensions of male
operators of earth-moving machinery and specifies the minimum
normal operating space envelope around the operator for operator
enclosures (cabs, ROPS, FOPS) generally applicable to
earth-moving machinery.
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 3789-4-1989. It forms one of a series covering
location and method of operation of operator controls for
tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn
and garden equipment, the series currently consisting of the
parts listed in the Foreword.
Symbols - Operator Controls and Others - Machinery (EMM, FM)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 6405-1982. It establishes:
a) symbols for operator controls,
b) symbols for controls other than operator controls, for use on
earth-moving machines.
Zones of Comfort and Reach for Controls - Machinery (EMM, FM)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International
Standard ISO 6682-1986. It defines zones of comfort and reach
for controls derived from the overlapping reach capability of
large and small operators in the seated position.
1. Scope 1.1
This Standard applies to the overhead contact system and traction power supply to the locomotive, using a single-phase alternating supply at 25 or 50 kV nominal voltage, 60 Hz.
1.2 This Standard has been written primarily for use in the development of conventional railway freight and passenger services. However, the use of the Standard is recommended for development of…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to metal (Category A), nonmetallic (Category B) cable trays, and associated fittings greater than 100 mm wide, for the support of cables and insulated conductors designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
Standard for Installation and Classification of Burglar Alarm Systems forFinancial and Commercial Pr...
1.1 These requirements apply to the installation of protective wiring and
devices connected to burglar alarm systems on financial and commercial
premises, safes and vaults. These requirements also include the classification
of extent of protection installed at individual locations.
1.2 Burglar alarm systems are classified as Central Station, Monitoring
Station, or Local, according to the…
General Requirements - Canadian Electrical Code, Part II
1. Scope and Object
1.1 Scope of this Standard
This Standard covers definitions, construction requirements, marking, and tests
of a general nature that are applicable to all or several of the individual
standards of Part II of this Code.
1.2 Scope of Individual Standards
Each individual Standard covers definitions, construction requirements,
marking, and tests for a single class or a…
1.1 Scope and Field of Application
The standard data elements included in this Directory are intended to facilitate interchange of data in international trade. These standard data elements can be used with any method for data interchange, on paper documents as well as with other means of data communication; they can be selected for transmission one by one, or used within a particular system…
The standard data elements included in this Directory are intended to
facilitate interchange of data in international trade. These standard data
elements can be used with any method for data interchange, on paper documents
as well as with other means of data communication; they can be selected for
transmission one by one, or used within a particular system of interchange
rules, e.g. the United…