Portable Electrical Motor-Operated and Heating Appliances: Particular Requirements for Liquid-Heati...
1. Scope
This clause of CSA Standard C22.2 No. 1335.1 is applicable except as follows:
1.1 Addition
This standard applies to
(a) egg boilers;
(b) milk heaters;
(c) feeding-bottle heaters;
(d) pressure cookers having a nominal cooking pressure not exceeding 140 kPa (1.4 bar) and a rated capacity not exceeding 10 litres;
(e) slow cookers;
(f) yoghurt-makers;
(g) baby-food warmers/…
Performance Standard for Rating Packaged Water Chillers
This Standard applies to factory-designed and prefabricated absorption or vapour-compression refrigeration chillers equipped with centrifugal or rotary screw and positive desplacement (reciprocating or scroll) compressors. The
Standard applies to chillers having a cooling capacity under 5600 kW (1590 tons) and intended for application in air-conditioning systems for buildings.
Portable Electrical Motor-Operated and Heating Appliances: General Requirements
This standard deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and
similar purposes, the rated voltage of the appliance being not more than 250 V,
and for use in nonhazardous locations, in accordance with the rules of the
Canadian Electrical Code, Part I and the National Electrical Code.
Appliances may incorporate motors, heating elements or their combination, and…
Portable Electrical Motor-Operated and Heating Appliances: ParticularRequirements for Electrical Mot...
This standard applies to electric kitchen appliances and to accessories
intended to be used with multi-purpose kitchen appliances.
Examples of kitchen appliances are:
(a) mixers;
(b) cream whippers;
(c) egg beaters;
(d) blenders for liquids;
(e) blenders for food;
(f) sieving appliances;
(g) churns;
(h) ice-cream appliances, including bucket type and those for use in…
Guidelines for Environmental Auditing: Statement of Principles and General
The principles and general practices set out in this document apply to all
aspects of the environmental auditing activity.
With the wide interest in environmental auditing and the range of interested
parties, a number of different types of environmental audits are required to
satisfy the range of objectives and interests that exist.
Note: There are a number of different types…
Standard for Grease Filters for Commercial and Institutional Kitchen Exhaust
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to grease filters for installation in collection
hoods of commercial kitchen exhaust systems for conformance with NFPA 96
1.2 Grease filters are investigated to determine their abilities to:
(a) Remove atomized grease from the airstream;
(b) Limit the projection of flames downstream when attacked by flamme
on the…
Standard for Power Roof Ventilators for Commercial and Institutional KitchenExhaust Systems
1. Scope
1.1 These ventilators are for use with exhaust systems serving restaurant type
cooking equipment such as ranges, broilers, deep fat fryers, grilles, etc. They
are complete units which may including a fan, motor, enclosing housing, roof
penetration and duct connection flange.
1.2 They are intended for use in exhaust systems incorporating exhaust hoods.
1.3 They are designed to…
Specifies the general dimensions: length of thread (maximum), overall length, shank diameter and dimensions of driving square, dimensions of the connecting portion between the shank and threaded part. Applies to taps intended for cutting the following threads: ISO metric threads (coarse and fine pitch), ISO inch threads ("Unified Coarse" series (UNC) and "Unified Fine" series…
La présente Norme internationale prescrit les dimensions générales des tarauds courts à machine et à main. Ces dimensions, établies en fonction du diamètre et du pas de filetage, sont les suivantes: -- longueur filetée (maximale); -- longueur totale; -- diamètre de queue et dimensions du carré d'entraînement; -- dimensions de raccordement entre la queue et la partie taillée. La présente…
All grades of fluorspar — Determination of carbonate content — Titrimetric method
The principle of the method specified is treatment of a test portion with hydrochloric acid solution, absorption of the evolved carbon dioxide in barium hydroxide solution, neutralization of excess alkali with hydrochloric acid solution, addition of an exactly measured excess of a standard volumetric hydrochloric acid solution to dissolve the precipitated barium carbonate and back-titration with…